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The Jennifer Lawrence Kiss Scene That Was Never Supposed To Happen

Jennifer Lawrence has been working as an actor since 2006 and has since built up quite the list of credits to her name. She is known for her roles in "Silver Linings Playbook" (for which she won an Oscar), "American Hustle," "Joy," "Passengers" and, most recently, "Don't Look Up." Additionally, she has starred in two popular franchises — as Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games" series and as Mystique in "X-Men: First Class" and the subsequent films.

These films have been responsible for plenty of memorable on-screen kisses for Lawrence, such as in "The Hunger Games," which gave Katniss two romantic interests: Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) and Gale (Liam Hemsworth). Meanwhile, Lawrence has been paired up on-screen with Bradley Cooper twice — first for "Silver Linings Playbook," then for "Serena." For "Passengers," she shared on-screen smooches with Chris Pratt, while "mother!" coupled her up with Javier Bardem. And most recently, Lawrence's character in "Don't Look Up" begins a casual romance with Timothée Chalamet's Yule.

But, it's another one of Lawrence's films that includes an unscripted kiss scene — here's which one was originally not supposed to happen.

Lawrence's kiss with Amy Adams in American Hustle was unscripted

In "American Hustle," Jennifer Lawrence plays Rosalyn, the wife of con artist Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) — who is cheating on her with Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams), a fellow scammer. Later in the film, Rosalyn begins her own affair with mobster Pete Musane (Jack Huston). So, in other words, the film's plot makes way for Lawrence to share on-screen kisses with both men. But, there's a third actor who Lawrence shares a kiss with in the movie: Adams. In one scene, Rosalyn and Sydney confront each other in a public bathroom, during which Rosalyn declares that Irving will never leave her, while Sydney insists that Irving doesn't love Rosalyn. At the end of the confrontation, Rosalyn surprises Sydney by kissing her, after which Rosalyn laughs as she leaves the bathroom.

The kiss is probably as surprising for the viewer as it is for Sydney — and that's due, in part, to the fact that the kiss wasn't originally in the script. Rather, Adams came up with the idea and they kept it in the film. Adams discussed the moment in an interview with PopSugar Entertainment in December 2013.

Adams said, "[Director] David [O'Russell] and I were talking about the scene and I don't know why, in my head, I was just like, how about if she kisses her? How about if they kiss at the end? And not in a sexual way and David understood." From there, O'Russell said he would talk to Lawrence about the idea, who ended up being completely for it. Adams concluded, "David has said it and I agree: it's like the perfect exclamation point on a toxic conversation."

O'Russell has also talked about the impromptu kiss

While speaking with the Los Angeles Times in December 2013, David O'Russell revealed more context to how the kiss between Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams came about. Describing his initial reaction to Adams' idea, O'Russell said, "Part of that was an idea that Amy Adams — feeling the electricity between her and Jennifer as opponents and lovers of the same man — said, 'What if we kissed?' And I said, 'Well, that sounds awesome, but I don't really ... How would that happen?'"

O'Russell continued that he then forgot about the idea because he didn't know how it could happen organically. But then, it came up naturally in conversation between O'Russell and Lawrence while they had some down time on set and O'Russell told Lawrence about Adams' idea. When it came time to film, they still weren't planning on including the kiss — until they figured out how to insert it.

While explaining what led up to the unscripted moment, O'Russell also revealed the origins of the punctuation comment that Adams had alluded to in her own interview. "We haven't even talked about it because we all just think that's just crazy, right?" said O'Russell. "And then Jennifer suddenly says to me, 'I'm going to do it as my final punctuation mark to this toxic conversation.' And I said, 'Oh, I never thought of that.'"