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The Boys' Herogasm Scene That Absolutely Broke Fans Hearts

When put up against adaptations of Marvel and DC comics, it's abundantly clear that "The Boys" is in a league all its own. The Amazon Prime Video take on the print source material of the same name isn't about heroes saving the day or epic clashes between larger-than-life characters, it focuses more on moral ambiguity and the abuse of power by those at the top. In doing so, the series doesn't shy away from providing viewers with some pretty hard-to-stomach images and strong language — elements "The Boys" has become synonymous with and viewers have grown to enjoy over the years.

From the near-constant use of all kinds of expletives to some of the most graphic depictions of violence you'll ever see in a superhero project, "The Boys" isn't for the faint of heart. This is especially evident in Season 3's "Herogasm" episode, which effectively took every depraved aspect the program has made a hallmark of to this day a step further. It's among the most risqué installments to date, but that's not to say that it lacked substance. In addition to advancing the story, it also packed in a couple of important character moments that fans aren't likely to forget any time soon.

Amid the violence and raunchiness of "Herogasm," fans unexpectedly found themselves heartbroken by a particularly emotional scene.

Nina's treatment of Frenchie, Kimiko, and Cherie got fans emotional

While Billy Butcher (Karl Urban), Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles), and more infiltrated the Herogasm event, Frenchie (Tomer Capon), Cherie (Jordana Lajoie), and Kimiko Miyashiro (Karen Fukuhara) ended up in a bind. Little Nina (Katia Winter) captures all three of them and forces Frenchie to choose between Kimiko and Cherie, threatening to kill whoever he doesn't pick. All three manage to make it out alive, but not after some serious mental and physical torture that, combined with the dire nature of the situation, made Redditor u/AquariusThree and many others quite emotional.

Several comments in the thread expressed sympathy for Frenchie but even more pertained to Nina. Katia Winter's performance aside, many "Boys" fans aren't too keen on Nina in general and don't think she's doing the show any favors. As it turns out, such sentiments aren't limited to this thread alone. Another one by u/ElantheBard brought up similar complaints, with other Reddit users chiming in with different critiques of the character. Some feel she's not a credible threat to the Boys, others think the show could've pulled off her subplot better, and a few aren't thrilled with her following the overdone Russian villain tropes.

Having fled with her life after Frenchie, Kimiko, and Cherie freed themselves of her custody, it stands to reason that in the future, Nina will continue to be a thorn in their sides. Whether or not her sadistic ways will break the hearts of audience members again remains to be seen.