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Jared Leto Is Unrecognizable In New House Of Gucci Trailer

Ridley Scott — the mastermind behind the science fiction horror flick "Alien," as well as the dystopian thriller "Blade Runner" — has compiled a filmography that few can rival. Nevertheless, the legendary director refuses to leave filmmaking behind, as evidenced by the impending premiere of his latest project, "House of Gucci." This crime drama tells the tale of Patrizia Reggiani, who orchestrated the assassination of her husband and former head of the Gucci fashion house, Maurizio Gucci.

To tell such a bonkers and betrayal-laden story, Scott has assembled an impressive troupe of actors that is more than capable of pulling it off. Front and center are music sensation Lady Gaga and Kylo Ren himself, Adam Driver, set to portray Patrizia and Maurizio, respectively. They aren't coming alone either as Al Pacino has signed on to play Aldo Gucci, Jeremy Irons will take on Rodolfo Gucci, Salma Hayek is tapped to be Giuseppina "Pina" Auriemma, and several more talented names will join the fray as well.

With its November 24, 2021 release on the horizon, promotional material for "House of Gucci" is beginning to trickle out. As a result, we've gotten a better look at the cast in full costume through some impressive character posters (via Vanity Fair) and a brief trailer that debuted on Twitter on July 29. Of all that it showed off, Jared Leto's transformation into the late Paolo Gucci stole the show and left everyone in total shock.

Jared Leto once again puts his shapeshifting skills to good use

Throughout the "House of Gucci" trailer, viewers get a handful of glimpses at Jared Leto's take on Paolo Gucci. His dark mustache, unkempt yet balding hair, and graying sideburns mark a stark contrast to the younger, cleaner portrait the actor is known for. Not to mention, his flamboyant, era-appropriate clothing and plenty of jewelry make up the cherry on top of his historically-based look. To some, this is a crazy feat for Leto to pull off, but in the grand scheme of his career, it's just another day at the office.

Across his lengthy big screen tenure, Jared Leto has never shied away from extended visits to the makeup chair or extreme body changes to perfect his presentation. Who could forget his remarkable transformation into Rayon for 2013's "Dallas Buyers Club," or his controversial yet buzz-worthy rendition of the Joker for 2016's "Suicide Squad"? Even in productions like "The Little Things" and "Blade Runner 2049," he has managed to tweak just enough small elements of his appearance to bring his performances to the next level.

If this teaser was of any indication, the marriage of Jared Leto's acting skills and his apparent ability to shapeshift into just about anyone — including Paolo Gucci — will undoubtedly be a highlight of "House of Gucci."