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This Is The Worst Twilight Movie Ever According To Rotten Tomatoes

It's easy to forget, but there was a time when a significant portion of the human population was categorically obsessed with the melodramatic entanglement between a centuries old, sparkly-skinned vampire and the human teen who fell hopelessly in love with him. That tale unfolded in the pages of the "Twilight" books, a four part young adult fiction series depicting the ins and outs of the relationship between the immortal Edward Cullen, and his small-town paramour Bella Swan. Penned by Stephanie Meyer, those books became international best sellers many times over, and a legit pop culture touchstone of the era.

Not surprisingly, they also spawned a blockbuster film franchise, which pit Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as the star-crossed lovers Edward and Bella. That franchise spanned five feature-length films, and once all was said and done for the "Twilight" franchise, those films had pulled in north of $3 billion in worldwide ticket sales. Of course, the quality of those flicks has been hotly-debated over the years. And even as fans of the franchise have proven forgiving for all its shortcomings, critics have not. In fact, not a single one of the five "Twilight" films currently boasts a Rotten Tomatoes score over 49% Fresh. But in a recent, score-based ranking on Rotten Tomatoes, it seems critics found one film in the franchise more rotten than the rest.  

Critics didn't find much to love in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

According to critics, the most rotten chapter in the "Twilight" franchise is "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1." Heavily hyped upon release in 2011, "Breaking Dawn Part 1" was the first half of a two part finale which found Edward and the still teen-aged Bella tying the proverbial knot and heading off for a wild honeymoon in paradise — the result of which is an unexpected pregnancy that threatens not only Bella's life, but the tenuous balance between werewolves, vampires, and everyone in between.

Yes, "Breaking Dawn Part 1" was overwrought even by "Twilight" standards, and critics were hardly kind to the film upon release. Dana Steves of Slate certainly didn't pull any punches in her review, proclaiming "By any normal standard, this is a terrible movie, with stilted dialogue and leaden pacing — every 15 minutes or so, the action stops for a musical montage involving slow-motion handsomeness." CinemaBlend critic Katey Rich was equally blunt in her estimation, "There really is no polishing a 'Twilight' movie, which by design will have to be both silly and terribly boring." But in their one-star review, R. Kurt Osenlund of Slant Magazine was more savage than most, hailing "Breaking Dawn Part 1" as, "the hopelessly god-awful penultimate installment of the five-film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's heavy-and-dumb-as-a-brick quadrilogy."

Those are harsh words indeed. And it seems no matter what fans say, critics will continue to pit "Breaking Dawn Part 1" as the bloodless bottom of the "Twilight" barrel.