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Will There Be An Edge Of Tomorrow Sequel?

Who's ready to live, die, repeat once again?

If you're not, you might want to start gearing up, because star Emily Blunt says a sequel to 2014's egregiously overlooked sci-fi action spectacular Edge of Tomorrow is very much in the works. The star dropped that massive nugget of news while doing press for her soon-to-be released sequel to 2018's breakout horror hit A Quiet Place. While the world anxiously awaits the arrival of A Quiet Place Part II, the possibility that we might finally be getting a sequel to Edge of Tomorrow is sure to be welcome news to sci-fi fans far and wide. 

It appears that the long delay between films has largely been due to the difficulty with cracking the unwieldy narrative for the sequel — tentatively titled Live Die Repeat and Repeat. In a recent interview with IndieWire, Blunt disclosed that director Doug Liman recently told her that screenwriter Matthew Robinson has indeed found a way forward for Live Die Repeat and Repeat, and the pair are currently working on the script.

"He [Liman] says this guy came in and cracked the case. I think there's an idea, that he says is great," Blunt said. That statement jibes with Deadline's report that Warner Bros. had indeed tapped Robinson to script the project, though that news broke early in 2019. It seems that a year later, Robinson and Liman are still fine-tuning their concept.

It also seems that  Blunt has not yet seen that script, though she's apparently eager not just to return to the compelling future world world of Edge of Tomorrow, but to work with both Liman and co-star Tom Cruise once again. When asked about her experience on the film, the actress gushed, "I absolutely adored it. It broke my body in half, but I'd be willing to do it again, to work with those boys who I love. So let's see."

An Edge of Tomorrow sequel is likely still a long way off

It's worth noting that Blunt and co. almost got some version of their Edge of Tomorrow sequel off the ground back in 2018; unfortunately, Blunt had to pass due to scheduling conflicts with Mary Poppins Returns. While the Edge of Tomorrow team is clearly eager to get the sequel before cameras ASAP, Blunt was quite candid with IndieWire in explaining that scheduling was a massive hurdle, with key players being quite busy for the foreseeable future. That's especially true of Cruise, who's slated to spend a significant portion of the immediate future shooting back-to-back Mission: Impossible sequels

"How the stars will all align for us to be able to do it, I don't know. I hope they do." Blunt then joked about hers and Cruise's ages eventually factoring into the sequel. "Tom and I are going to be 70 before we make another one. It's going to look a bit weird. We'll have to do a real flash forward one. We'll go full Irishman, it'll be the Irishman version of Edge of Tomorrow."

Jokes aside, it's worth noting that the seemingly age-less Cruise is actually 57 years old, and will likely be pushing 60 before his schedule opens up for Edge of Tomorrow 2. Of course, if you've seen Cruise's insane acts of derring-do in the Mission: Impossible flicks, then you know his physical conditioning is legitimately freakish, so age is maybe not a concern.  

Whatever the case, the big problem is that there's apparently still no finished screenplay for the Edge of Tomorrow sequel. So while it's nice that Blunt is beating the drum for that sequel to happen, it's probably still a few years away from being a reality. Until then, it seems we're stuck in our own little Edge of Tomorrow news loop.