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This Godzilla Poster Made No Sense - Until Reddit 'Fixed' It

2019 brought us one of the most critically divisive entries in Legendary Pictures' entire MonsterVerse timeline, "Godzilla: King of the Monsters." As the title implies, the film puts Godzilla (performed by T.J. Storm) front and center as he proves his dominance against several monstrous foes. Naturally, the film's promotional material drives Godzilla's narrative importance home, with one of its most well-known posters featuring him firing his atomic breath upward. He's also somehow standing in the middle of the ocean with the water barely reaching his ankles, which doesn't physically add up.

Fans have taken note of this "King of the Monsters" poster and this head-scratching detail, with some on Reddit hilariously attempting to justify it as making total sense. u/YobaiYamete posted one funny explanation for Godzilla's seemingly impossible pose, positing through a drawing that perhaps his legs are miles long or can stretch so he can reach the ocean floor. Meanwhile, u/GhidorahRod56 also posted a drawing featuring Godzilla with average length legs standing on a cloud that's hidden just beneath the water's surface.

While these answers are clearly jokes, others have turned to more rational explanations for Godzilla's "King of the Monsters" poster stance.

Other Redditors sought serious explanations for Godzilla's stance

Like the two aforementioned Reddit users, many poked fun at the seemingly nonsensical nature of the "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" poster. Yes, Godzilla is absolutely massive, but in the middle of the ocean even he'd be entirely submerged without something to keep him afloat. Yet some on Reddit took the matter of the poster's improbability seriously, coming up with fascinating theories that make his ability to stand largely above water a bit more plausible. Some of the most compelling stem from Godzilla's physiology and his unique adaptations.

"Idk if y'all are serious about this but he can probably control his [buoyancy]," commented u/KitFlame42, while u/SolarWolf221 went on to claim that Godzilla's control over his buoyancy is also likely why he's shown in the MonsterVerse to be such a skilled combatant in water and zero gravity environments. But u/francoeyes wondered if Godzilla's atomic breath had something to do with it, writing, "The atomic breath is so powerful it actually pushed him up instead of down." Then again, other adaptations have shown that Godzilla can fly (not that he ever should again), so maybe he's simply levitating as he fires off his atomic breath.

Still, even though "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" consistently ranks among the worst "Godzilla" movies, this poster is solid. It's largely well-designed and depicts the titular character as the near-unstoppable beast that he is. Of course, if you want this aura maintained, it's best not to think about the fact that he's inexplicably standing on water.