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The Witcher Still Looks Like The Witcher In The Witcher

Many fans mourned when it was announced that "The Witcher" Season 3 would be Henry Cavill's last outing as Geralt of Rivia. Not only was his performance praised as a highlight of the Netflix series, but his public adoration for the source material endeared him to diehard fans of Andrzej Sapkowski's books as well. Of course, all good things must come to their natural end, and Cavill's Geralt had his in 2023. Season 4, which will star Liam Hemsworth as Geralt, is on the way, and we've now gotten our first look at the new star in costume as the Witcher in a Season 4 teaser. With luck, it will assuage at least some fan fears, as Hemsworth looks spot on.

The teaser is brief, showing Geralt from behind as he leads his trusty horse Roach through a foggy swamp. At the sound of rustling in the undergrowth behind him, Geralt turns, revealing Hemsworth's face. With the long white hair and gruff facial touches, he cuts a striking image. If you put the shot side-by-side with one of Cavill from any of the first three seasons, casual viewers might not even notice that they're looking at two different actors.

Because of release date delays for "The Witcher" Season 4, we still have a while to wait before Hemsworth's full performance will be unveiled. Still, the teaser is a promising peak at what's to come with the new Geralt.

Liam Hemsworth has big Witcher shoes to fill

Liam Hemsworth got jacked to play Geralt after Henry Cavill, and the hair and makeup departments for "The Witcher" are clearly doing their jobs as well. Still, many fans will withhold their judgment on the recasting until they see the entirety of Season 4 for themselves. "The Witcher" has been one of Netflix's biggest hits over the last decade, and Cavill brought the one thing that's often hardest to secure when producing an adaptation — buy-in from the source material's biggest supporters. His allegiance to the "Witcher" novels and short stories established a baseline of trust in the series — one that was somewhat tarnished by the news of his departure.

Stepping into an iconic role previously played by a beloved actor is never easy. However, the first teaser for "The Witcher" Season 4 is doing everything right so far. Geralt's persona is just as much about his sour glares as it is his actual dialogue, and Hemsworth seems to have that part down pat.

Regardless of the reaction to Season 4, Netflix has already ordered "The Witcher" Season 5, which will also be its last. That's a guaranteed two seasons for Hemsworth to try to leave his mark.