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Biggest Unanswered Questions In Spider-Man Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home has swung into theaters, and it's a wild ride. The sequel to 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming dials back the stakes a little from what we've come to expect from the recent Marvel films, focusing on Peter Parker going to Europe with his classmates. 

Of course, things don't go exactly the way he planned. He's caught up in another world-threatening catastrophe, and in true Spidey fashion gets torn between his duties as a hero and his normal, high-school life. Well, as normal as it can be after the events of Infinity War and Endgame

There are plenty of twists in Spider-Man: Far From Home, and with everything going on, there were bound to be a few questions that got tangled up in the web of illusion. From cliffhangers to dangling plot threads to reveals with massive implications for the future of the MCU, here are the biggest unanswered questions in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Spoilers ahead!

Where is Nick Fury?

The after-credits scene in Spider-Man: Far From Home drops several bombs in quick succession and introduces multiple questions about the future of the MCU. The scene sees Nick Fury and Maria Hill driving, when — surprise — they turn into Skrulls. Well, technically, the Skrulls who were masquerading as Fury and Hill reveal their true forms. It turns out that for the entire movie, the Skrulls Soren and Talos were covering for the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Did Fury seem a little different throughout the film? Now that's a question for a rewatch. 

So Talos calls someone to report on everything that just went down in Europe, and we see that he's talking to none other than Nick Fury himself, who's relaxing on a beach getting a little R&R. Or so it seems! Without even letting the gag sink in, the film plows forward, and it turns out that Fury is actually on some sort of space ship or space station, manned by Skrulls (who, if you remember from Captain Marvel, are not the evil race they are in the comics — in the MCU, they're working with the good guys).

But where is he? Well, while the film doesn't give any concrete answers, there's one possibility that would open up a whole new world...

S.W.O.R.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Now that Far From Home has officially closed the door on Phase Three, we're on the cusp of a future where the MCU gets a lot bigger and a lot more cosmic. A bigger universe means bigger threats, and what's poor little planet Earth to do in the face of intergalactic alien invaders, or whatever? 

Easy: Build a big space station to protect the world from extraterrestrial threats. Fortunately, someone's already done that. S.W.O.R.D., or Sentient World Observation and Response Department, debuted in Astonishing X-Men in 2004. It's basically S.H.I.E.L.D. in space, and in fact operated as a subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D.

If the post-credits scene of Far From Home did in fact introduce S.W.O.R.D., it's kind of a big deal. See, when Joss Whedon introduced the agency, he populated it with mutants. He was writing an X-Men comic — what else would he do? But because of that, the film rights to the agency have long been mired in the whole Fox/Marvel kerfuffle, with Fox getting first rights to any characters associated with the X-Men. Now that Disney's acquisition of Fox has gone through, however, that years-long question of who owns what is a moot point, and the introduction of S.W.O.R.D. may just mark one of the first steps in bringing these different universes together.

That's all assuming, of course, that Fury really was on a S.W.O.R.D. station, since Far From Home never confirms it.

Who's a Skrull?

Spider-Man: Far From Home's plot is all about how appearances can be deceiving. Its central villain, Mysterio, uses complex holograms to trick the world into thinking monsters are coming out of the ground, and he puts that tech to good use in his battles with Spidey, plunging our hero into a world where nothing is what it seems. Paranoia and illusion are all pieces of the puzzle here, which makes the end-credits reveal that Maria Hill and Nick Fury were Skrulls the whole time so perfect. But that also raises another question with even bigger ramifications. 

Fury has known about, and apparently been working with, the Skrulls since the '90s, when Captain Marvel is set. That's a lot of time for a race of shapeshifters to be hanging out in the world, and Fury apparently has no qualms about letting them impersonate important people. Will Marvel backtrack on itself and seed little reveals about the presence of Skrulls in previous MCU films? It's not likely, but the possibility is there.

What will Peter do next?

Like Tom Holland himself, Peter Parker is terrible at keeping secrets. Far From Home marks the second solo Spidey movie in the MCU, and it also marks the second solo Spidey movie in the MCU where the main bad guy knows Peter's real identity. 

He watched Quentin Beck target his closest friends with murder drones, so he has first-hand knowledge of the dangers of having your secret identity exposed. Now that the whole world knows who he is — and worse, while he's being painted as a villain — his life is basically open season for any bad guy who may want a piece of the Spider pie. All his friends and loved ones are in danger, and even his home is no longer safe.

Clearly, the reveal was intended as a cliffhanger for a third Spider-Man film, and in that respect it completely worked. It's the kind of question that could lead in any direction, from the introduction of classic villains like Kraven the Hunter to a (most likely temporary) forced retirement for the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Who is the new Iron Man?

For a movie about Spider-Man, Far From Home sure spends a lot of time focusing on Iron Man. Specifically, on the vacancy Tony Stark left behind. There's a hole in the Avengers roster, a hole in Peter's heart, and a hole in the world where the Armored Avenger used to stand. Quentin Beck is trying to stake his claim to the Iron throne, and Peter himself grapples with the question of whether he is — or at least is supposed to be — the next Iron Man. He even gets into the spirit of Tony when he gets to work building his new suit while listening to his favorite Led Zeppelin song, "Back in Black."

But ultimately, there is no answer to be found in Spider-Man: Far From Home. The film builds the question to a crescendo...then leaves it hanging there, presumably for a future MCU installment. Darn you and your endless sequels, Marvel!