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Marvel Rumor: Deadpool 3 Introduces A Secret Wars Concept That Changes Everything

Based on what little is known about the film's story so far, the third "Deadpool" feature, titled "Deadpool and Wolverine," appears to be a game-changer in more ways than one. The movie marks the Marvel Cinematic Universe debut of Ryan Reynolds' take on Wade Wilson, as well as that of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, who will be involved in a high-stakes storyline along with the Merc with a Mouth. This plot is said to feature an intriguing concept central to Marvel Comics' 2015-2016 "Secret Wars" event at the forefront.

According to Hollywood insider Daniel Richtman over on Patreon, "Deadpool and Wolverine" places a heavy emphasis on specific beings within their respective timelines. He claimed that it would introduce the idea of key people being essential to the existence of their timeline. Without them present within it, their timeline ceases to exist. This is similar to the role played by Molecule Man – a villain Marvel hasn't taken proper advantage of – in the aforementioned "Secret Wars" story by Jonathan Hickman. If the cosmic entities known as the Beyonders elected to detonate a universe's Molecule Man, that universe would be annihilated.

If this idea does make it to the MCU, one has to wonder if and how it relates to another similar one that has already become ingrained in the franchise throughout the Multiverse Saga.

How do nexus beings fit into this idea?

Throughout the Multiverse Saga, MCU fans have had to learn a bunch of new concepts, time travel mechanics, and more. Among these is the idea of a nexus being, which is someone who is immensely powerful and can impact probability, the flow of time, and reality itself. Wanda "Scarlet Witch" Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) — who was once rumored to appear in "Deadpool 3" — and Kang the Conqueror (Jonathan Majors) are considered such beings, each of them with a firm grasp on time and reality with the ability to bend them to their will. It stands to reason more nexus beings will be revealed in the coming projects.

So, how does this fit with the latest "Deadpool and Wolverine" speculation? Well, it's true that the concept of nexus beings sounds similar to the rumor of key beings playing an integral part in the flow of a timeline. Both types of people are tied to their reality and seem to have a strong influence over it. However, it is not confirmed in either of Wanda and Kang's multiversal exploits that their home timelines have deteriorated due to their absence or apparent demises. Thus, it sounds like the individuals supposedly featured in "Deadpool and Wolverine" are in a different category entirely.

Surely, "Deadpool and Wolverine" will bring much-needed clarity to this rumor and its potential relation to nexus beings when it reaches theaters on July 26.