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Who Are The Zeltrons: Star Wars' Horniest Aliens, Explained

It's no secret that the "Star Wars" story is jam-packed full of extraterrestrial species. It seems that with each project, the galaxy far, far away grows to include more of them, with some of these aliens only appearing a single time before disappearing from the limelight. Thus, the "Star Wars" canon and the "Star Wars" Legends continuity are both full of funny, scary, and downright odd aliens that even the most devoted fan might not know of. Take, for instance, the Zeltrons, who are undoubtedly in contention for the title of the horniest alien race in all of "Star Wars."

Created by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, and Tom Palmer in 1977 for Marvel Comics' "Star Wars" #70, the Zeltrons are a reddish-pink humanoid species known best for their intense pheromones. This makes them extremely attractive and likable to most other species — humans in particular. Their culture and art are very much influenced by sexuality and related imagery, and they generally reject the concept of monogamy. They also prioritize and embrace positive emotions while pushing away negative ones, which is in line with the reputation of their homeworld, Zeltros, as the place to party.

All of this information stems from non-canon Legends material, so what are the Zeltrons of the modern canon like?

Canon Zeltrons have had their sexual urges reined in

Though far from major players, the Zeltrons of "Star Wars" Legends do make quite a few appearances in a variety of books and comics. Among their ranks is Dani, who pops up in a number of stories as she goes about her thievery and trains under none other than Luke Skywalker. Unfortunately, when the "Star Wars" canon was reset following Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012, the Zeltrons didn't immediately reenter. It took three years for the species to do so, and when it did, it was rather different from its Legends interpretation.

Zeltrons return to the now-meaningless "Star Wars" canon through author John Jackson Miller's "Star Wars: A New Dawn," cropping up here and there in subsequent stories. Unlike the highly sexual Legends take on the species, the canon version is based more so on the broad spectrum of emotions. Zeltrons experience the feelings of those around them in a much deeper way, and they can use their pheromones to increase their likability and calm others. The most noteworthy Zeltron to appear in modern canon "Star Wars" lore to date are the High Republic era journalist Ric Farazi and Resistance fighter Lorica Demaris.

"Star Wars" media has introduced some wild aliens over the years, but none are quite like the Zeltrons.