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Superman Destroys Goku's Strongest Saiyan Form In Death Battle Mashup Video

A persistent debate among pop culture enthusiasts is who deserves the title of the strongest character in fiction. This discussion has gone on for decades, with fuel added to the fire every time a new overpowered character enters the cultural zeitgeist. Two standout figures in this conversation are DC Comics icon Superman and "Dragon Ball Z" staple Goku, each of whom stands among the most powerful in their respective universes. If they were to somehow cross paths, who would walk away from the conflict as the victor? A new video from the DEATH BATTLE! YouTube channel presents a compelling case for the Man of Steel.

For those unfamiliar with DEATH BATTLE!, the channel pits fictional characters against one another in, well, death battles. The videos run down each character's history, powers, weaknesses, and the like before presenting viewers with the fight itself. In the case of Superman and Goku, they seem evenly matched in what starts as a light exhibition fight. However, as they duke it out in the air, on land, and even in space, the fight intensifies. Goku takes on his strongest form, Perfected Ultra Instinct, and enhances his abilities using Kaioken, while Superman supercharges himself with the power of multiple suns. The result is a cosmos-shaking clash, and when the dust settles, the Last Son of Krypton claims victory over everyone's favorite Saiyan.

Regardless of the outcome, DC and "Dragon Ball Z" fans alike were happy with how this fight between Superman and Goku is depicted.

Fans love the intensity and wholesomeness of Superman and Goku's battle

While their similar power levels might be the biggest impetus for fans' desire to see Superman and Goku go head-to-head, it's not the only one. Another reason folks have yearned to see the pair of heroes battle for years is their wholesome natures. Both of them are do-gooders with optimistic outlooks on life and strong desires to do right by those they care about. Thus, their hypothetical fight wouldn't be rooted in anger or bad blood. Rather, it would be anchored by a mutual love for friendly competition. That's what DEATH BATTLE! delivers with its Superman versus Goku clash, and the YouTube community loves it.

"I love this battle. No hatred, no danger, no bad blood. Goku and Superman were just fighting for fun. With a wholesome ending to boot. Great Job DB," commented @Rollbrand370@beanofsteel also appreciated the fight's emphasis on keeping things friendly, noting that it also does a great job of making Goku and Superman appear as friends who simply want to push each other to become better. @HolyCrepe points out that Goku and Superman have clashed on the DEATH BATTLE! channel before, but their improved characterization and interactions put this encounter a cut above the rest.

Time will tell if Superman and Goku will ever canonically meet and who will have their hand raised at the end of their fight. Until we see that battle happen, at least we have entertaining fan-made simulations like this one to enjoy.