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The Young Sheldon Episodes That Were Directed By Melissa Joan Hart

At this stage in her Hollywood career, Melissa Joan Hart is no stranger to television productions — specifically sitcoms. After all, she's starred on shows like "Clarissa Explains It All," "Sabrina the Teenage Witch," and "Melissa & Joey," among numerous others, thus allowing her multiple chances to learn as much as she can about the small screen world. Using her knowledge, Hart has expanded her entertainment horizons by taking on other duties, with one of her more frequent non-acting endeavors being directing. In fact, did you know that Hart has directed multiple episodes of "Young Sheldon"?

Yes, throughout the lifespan of the "Big Bang Theory" prequel series, Hart has sat in the director's chair multiple times. She made her "Young Sheldon" directorial debut on the Season 3 episode "An Academic Crime and a More Romantic Taco Bell," following that up with the Season 4 episodes "A Second Prodigy and the Hottest Tips for Pouty Lips," "The Geezer Bus and a New Model for Education," and "Cowboy Aerobics and 473 Grease-Free Bolts." Hart's most recent directing gig on the program came via Season 5's "An Expensive Glitch and a Goof-Off Room."

Time will tell if Hart will return to direct more "Young Sheldon" episodes in the future, but even if she doesn't, you can still expect to see her work her directorial magic in various other productions.

Hart absolutely adores directing

For most folks entering the entertainment industry, the must-have job is that of an actor. Getting to star in unforgettable films, make big money, and reach a level of worldwide fame is a proposition few would pass up if presented with it. Then again, some folks prefer working behind the scenes, crafting stories and worlds as writers, directors, producers, and more. For Melissa Joan Hart, she has been fortunate enough to wear a variety of hats throughout her career, and she's not unhappy about taking time away from acting to explore other professional avenues.

"Of course naysayers say, 'You disappeared! You're not working anymore!' I'm like, 'Well, actually, I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing, and what I always dreamt for myself at an older age in this industry,'" Hart explained during a 2020 interview with Glamour. She notes that in the previous year, she'd directed more than she'd acted, and she's very much proud of that. Hart is all about trying new things, seeking out new opportunities, and not allowing herself to get trapped in the same old, same old.

Suffice to say, Melissa Joan Hart is doing just fine and is very much an active presence on the Hollywood scene. Surely we'll continue to see more of her behind-the-scenes influence on "Young Sheldon" and numerous other productions going forward.