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James Gunn Clarifies His Stance On Lex Luthor As A Superman Movie Villain

It would hardly be a stretch to call James Gunn's "Superman: Legacy" one of the most anxiously anticipated releases in his upcoming slate of DC Universe offerings. In fact, the film would likely rank among the most anticipated movies slated to hit the big screen in the next decade, period. And if you've been keeping track of the film, you know Gunn's latest super-flick has already inspired quite a bit of chatter on social platforms. You likely also know the chatter ranges from steadfast enthusiasm to, well, the exact opposite of that.

The online talk over "Superman: Legacy" hit another level this week after Gunn's appearance on Michael Rosenbaum's "Inside of You" podcast. And it did so after Gunn spoke less than favorably about Gene Hackman's portrayal of Lex Luthor in Richard Donner's beloved 1978 film "Superman."

So fevered was the chatter that Gunn — a regular presence on Twitter — took to the platform to address the backlash himself. "In reading these replies, sometimes it seems like people are looking for things to get outraged about & have little sense of history," Gunn's post began, with the filmmaker continuing, "Although Donner's Superman movies are some of my favorites, I've spoken out publicly before ... that Lex Luthor is not my favorite part of those films." Despite the relatively blasphemous "Superman" take, Gunn seems to still see the potential in a big-screen Lex. And when pressed by Rosenbaum, he refused to confirm or deny whether the iconic supervillain will appear in "Superman: Legacy."

Gunn is apparently a big fan of Michael Rosenbaum's Smallville Lex

The topic of Lex Luthor arose after Michael Rosenbaum — who obviously has his own history with the character, having portrayed the bald baddie for seven seasons on "Smallville" — implored James Gunn to promise his take on the character would be more grounded than other iterations. During his Twitter chat, Gunn confirmed to one fan he was not throwing shade at Jesse Eisenberg's Snyderverse turn as Lex. And in his lengthy follow-up, he spoke frankly about his issues with Gene Hackman's performance.

Per Gunn's statement,"The portrayal can lean campy & I wished he seemed like a greater threat & I wished he'd played it bald throughout." "The Suicide Squad" helmer continued, "I regret having intimated that I didn't like ANY Lex on Michael's show, but there it is." He wisely went on to admit he still has a lot of love for Hackman as an actor, noting, "For the record I think Hackman is one of the five greatest actors of the 70's & 80's, and he starred in some of my favorite movies, I just didn't love him as Lex."

As for Rosenbaum's run as the "Superman" villain, Gunn addressed his longtime friend's work on "Smallville" as well. The "Peacemaker" mastermind is a very big fan, telling Rosenbaum, "You are the best Lex. Let's admit it. We know you're the best Lex." After confirming to Rosenbaum he was completely serious, the pair joked he was probably still not right for Gunn's "Superman." So it seems that even if Lex Luthor does appear in "Superman: Legacy," Rosenbaum will not be reprising the role.