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Anthony Mackie's Leaked Captain America Suit In New World Order Looks A Tad Familiar

By the end of the Disney+ series "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) decides to chart a new path in life. Shedding his identity as the Falcon, he does what his good friend Steve "Captain America" Rogers (Chris Evans) hoped he would do: take on the mantle of Captain America. In the finale, he wears Rogers' iconic red, white, and blue shield into battle, truly making it his own. In addition, he wears a brand new and incredibly comic-accurate costume with a matching color scheme, which may not appear in his solo movie, "Captain America: New World Order."

As production begins on the fourth "Captain America" film, leaked set photos have shown Mackie's Wilson in a new costume (via @Christo45951886 on Twitter). Long gone is the predominantly white color scheme, which has been replaced by a largely blue motif with gold and red accents. Fans have been quick to point out that it looks a lot like Rogers' stealth suit from "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." Although, it could also be a nod to the exoskeleton Rogers wore on the pages of Marvel Comics back in the 1990s. There's no way to know what the purpose of this new outfit could be with the limited plot information we currently have.

Naturally, since these pictures leaked online, Marvel Cinematic Universe fans have expressed mixed feelings on the new costume.

Cap's new suit isn't a unanimous favorite

It should come as no surprise that with "Captain America: New World Order" on the way, Sam Wilson is already getting a new Captain America suit. After all, pretty much every time an MCU hero reappears in a movie or TV show, they come back with a new outfit. Still, as some fans on Reddit have said, it's a shame that Cap's comic-accurate "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" suit could already be going away. "Why are [they] getting rid of the end costume of FATWS. That was perfection," commented u/RDDAMAN819, with u/AlthricPasta adding, "I loved the suit introduced in TFATWS and it made a lot of sense thematically. Would hate to see them go back on it."

At the same time, plenty of folks really like Captain America's new potential stealth suit and are excited to see him in action. u/SpicyLunaDog99 wrote, "New suit looks lovely!", and u/Tgomez11199 thinks it's the perfect blend of the MCU's Falcon and Captain America suits up to this point. Meanwhile, not only is u/everythingpurple happy to see Wilson in a new outfit, but they're actively glad that the "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" suit might be gone for good. In their eyes, it didn't translate well into live-action.

We'll all get to see Sam Wilson make his cinematic debut as Captain America in his new threads when "Captain America: New World Order" arrives on May 3, 2024.