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Chicago Med: Brian Tee Is Leaving The Door Open For Dr. Ethan Choi Return

Brian Tee's Dr. Ethan Choi said goodbye to his "Chicago Med" colleagues after spending eight seasons and over 130 episodes in the Emergency Department at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. Eventually rising to become Head of the E.D. in Season 6, Tee's Dr. Choi was a true fan favorite and his exit from the series left Chi-Hards mourning the loss of this former Navy medic who, despite his struggles with PTSD, proved himself a skilled physician and valuable asset in the E.D.'s hectic day-to-day operations. But Tee's departure from the show doesn't mean fans will never get to see Dr. Choi back in action on the show.

As it turns out, Tee already turned up on the "Chicago Med" set again after leaving the series, coming back for a stint behind the cameras to make his debut as a director helming the Season 8 installment, "Know When to Hold and When to Fold." But when NBC.com asked if Tee would ever consider making a reappearance as Dr. Choi again on "Chicago Med," the actor seemed to offer hope to fans eager to see him once more caring for patients on the show. "I leave the door always open," Tee said. But lest fans get too comfortable, the actor also went on to add a major qualifier to that statement.

Brian Tee said a return to Chicago Med is totally possible. Maybe.

Expanding on his comments to NBC.com, Brian Tee said that his years playing Dr. Ethan Choi on "Chicago Med" were an amazing period for him, resulting in numerous enduring friendships. He then added that returning to play Choi on the show would be something he'd certainly consider, saying, "Going back to work, and seeing and working with the cast and crew would just be a joy to do."

But when the subject arose of how his character would be re-integrated into the series' narrative arc, Tee said he wasn't sure what form Ethan's story would take vis a vis the cast he'd become so close with. The actor again expressed his general willingness to suit up as Choi, but concluded his statement with some slight equivocation, saying "So in that context, you know, if there ever is an opportunity to come back and again, play with my friends, I absolutely would probably jump at the opportunity." The truth is, at this time there's no definite word that "Chicago Med" fans will see Dr. Choi on the show again any time soon. In the meantime, Tee's not-quite-definitive comment that he "absolutely... probably" would be open to returning to duty in the E.D. will just have to suffice.