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Quentin Tarantino's Final Film Expected To Begin Production In Fall 2023

The Hollywood story of Quentin Tarantino is one marked by widespread praise and success of all varieties. Through efforts like "Reservoir Dogs," "Pulp Fiction," and "Jackie Brown," he has become one of the most prosperous directors in the history of the business. Tarantino has made big money at the box office, received glowing endorsements from critics, and won numerous awards — all while making the films he's wanted to make. Of course, like any good story, Tarantino's tale of silver screen dominance is seemingly on the verge of coming to its conclusion.

Following up on the 2019 hit "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," Tarantino has his sights set on his 10th and final feature. As revealed by The Hollywood Reporter on March 14, 2023, the famed director's last movie is expected to enter production in the fall of this year. His script, currently titled "The Movie Critic," is reportedly set in Los Angeles, California, in the late 1970s and will follow a female lead. THR speculates that the movie could be about the late critic Pauline Kael, but this remains unconfirmed as of this writing. A cast, studio, and release date have yet to be announced.

With the release of "The Movie Critic" will come the end of an era in film history. Quentin Tarantino has become one of the biggest directors out there, and he has long voiced his desire to go out on top.

Tarantino doesn't want to end his directing career on a low note

For those who've followed Quentin Tarantino's career over the past several years, news that "The Movie Critic" will be his last directorial effort isn't much of a surprise. For a while now, he's maintained that his 10th movie would be his last — a decision he's made not because of money or tiresome Hollywood politics. Rather, as he explained in an interview with CNN's Chris Wallace, he's calling it quits after 10 because he doesn't want to stick around the moviemaking scene longer than he has any right to.

"I'm an entertainer, I want to leave you wanting more...and I don't want to work to diminishing returns. I don't want to become this old man who's out of touch," Tarantino shared, admitting that he already feels he's entering such territory when it comes to the modern film landscape. At the same time, this doesn't upset him. It's just a natural occurrence for those in the industry. Therefore, in his eyes, it's best that he completes his filmography with 10 films he can be proud of instead of going until the wheels fall off.

If "The Movie Critic" will indeed enter production in a matter of months, expect plenty of information about it to reach the internet very soon.