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Henry Cavill Reportedly Signs Onto Amazon Prime's Warhammer 40,000 Adaptation

Henry Cavill has been all over the headlines lately, and not necessarily for the most positive reasons. With the release of 2022's "Black Adam," he suited up as Superman after an unexpectedly long time away from the character, much to the delight of DC fans around the world. Around the same time, fans of Netflix's "The Witcher" received the disappointing news that he wouldn't return for the show's fourth season. Instead, Liam Hemsworth would succeed him in the role of Geralt of Rivia going forward. Then December 14, 2022, came along.

On that fateful day, it was confirmed by DC Studios figurehead James Gunn that Superman is on his way back to the movies. However, this "Man of Tomorrow"-focused feature will be a reboot, and therefore, Cavill will not be involved. The actor corroborated this claim via Instagram, where he left a heartfelt message to fans to let them know he is indeed done and will always appreciate their support from his time in the role. While one might think this would mean his return to "The Witcher," it has come to light that this is not the case by any stretch.

So, with two of his biggest roles behind him, what's next for Henry Cavill? A "Warhammer 40,000" adaptation from Amazon Prime, apparently.

Cavill is the perfect choice to lead a Warhammer 40K project

A day after Henry Cavill shared that he was hanging up his Superman cape for good, The Hollywood Reporter shared with readers his next career move. According to the publication, Amazon is in the process of acquiring the rights to "Warhammer 40,000": a sci-fi war game that's played on a tabletop with miniatures. Cavill is reportedly lined up to star and executive produce the adaptation so long as nothing falls through at the last minute. While the sentiment is often thrown around a lot in the world of entertainment, Cavill is undoubtedly the perfect person to stand at the forefront of such a production.

Among his many nerdy interests, Cavill is a huge fan of the "Warhammer 40K" game — so much so that he's even cast doubt on the idea that it can be adapted to screen properly. "It needs to be handled perfectly. It needs to be handled to a 'Lord Of The Rings' level. And if it's not, I'll be massively disappointed," he told Empire in an exclusive interview, though that doesn't mean he'd turn down a chance to star in an adaptation. He adds, "I would absolutely leap at that opportunity — it's something I'd be very, very excited to do." It's amazing that roughly a year after this interview was published, his wish seems to have been granted.

Evidently, the "Warhammer 40K" adaptation is still very early along in the production process, and the minds behind it should take their time. After all, with Henry Cavill of all people on board, they pretty much have to get it right.