Veronica Stork

Photo of Veronica Stork
Tivoli, NY
Syracuse University, SUNY Albany
TV, Comics, Gaming, Movies
  • Veronica is a fan of horror and crime shows — the gorier, the better.
  • She is an obsessive reader, and yes, the book is better than the movie (usually.)
  • She's been playing video games since the 1980s and owned an original NES when they were cutting edge.


Veronica has been writing for as long as she can remember. She's blogged about Minecraft for the American Library Association, written travel guides for AOL, and even published some poetry. She's a compulsive researcher and is constantly fact-checking things she hears and reads. If you're reading something she's written, you know she's put the legwork in to ensure everything she says is correct and that her sources are cited!


As an undergrad, she studied Japanese language and culture at SUNY Albany (giving her an admittedly slight edge in understanding subbed anime). She then studied Library and Information Science at Syracuse University, where she honed her magic research powers.
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Stories By Veronica Stork