Stacy Dooks

Photo of Stacy Dooks
Alberta, Canada
Dalhousie University, Devry University
Pop Culture, Comic Books, Movies
  • Stacy Dooks is a lifelong fan of fantasy, science fiction, and horror in film, television, and prose.
  • Stacy is a published author, having appeared in several genre fiction anthologies.
  • Stacy is a seasoned pop culture writer, having previously written for sites like CBR.


Stacy Dooks was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia and has honed his writing skill over the years. With a punchy prose style and an encyclopedic knowledge of movies, television, comics, and books he brings a unique and knowledgeable perspective to his articles.


With Bachelor's degree in English, Stacy honed his passion for story into an analytical prose style that allows him to cut to the core of what a given piece of media really means and help explain it to the reader in a friendly and engaging style.
Xoop Editorial Policies

Xoop's content is a collaboration between a core group of experienced entertainment editors and a vast team of writers, graphic designers, interviewers, and experts in all things entertainment and pop culture. Our goal is to provide up-to-the-minute breaking news coverage as well as original and engaging opinion and editorial content that serves fans of movies, television, and genre media in general.

Our team of editors and advisors constantly updates and reviews articles to ensure they're current, comprehensive, and informative. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Stacy Dooks