Samantha Puc

Photo of Samantha Puc
Brooklyn, NY
University Of New Hampshire
Comics, TV, LGBTQ, Fat Studies
  • Samantha has written about pop culture for 10+ years, including TV, movies, comics, video games, books, and more.
  • She has a vast knowledge of major pop culture properties, including Marvel.
  • Through lived experience and media literacy, she has become an expert on LGBTQ and fat rep in pop culture.


Samantha Puc (she/her) is an essayist and culture critic whose work has been featured on Bitch Media, them., The Beat, The Mary Sue, and elsewhere. She mostly writes intersectional pop culture analysis with a particular focus on representation of LGBTQ and fat characters in fiction. Samantha is the co-creator and editor-in-chief of Fatventure Mag, an outdoors zine for fat folks who are into being active, but not into toxic weight-loss culture. She is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree at The New School, and she lives in Brooklyn with her cats.


In addition to her BA in journalism, philosophy and women's studies, Samantha is also pursuing an MFA in creative nonfiction. Her education has made her an incredibly strong writer and editor who pays attention to small details and observes things not often noticed by others.
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Stories By Samantha Puc