Natasha Lavender

Photo of Natasha Lavender
Chicago, IL
University Of Birmingham
British History, Women's History, Movie History
  • Natasha writes in an engaging, informative style that can turn even dense historical subjects into a compelling read.
  • Natasha loves researching a subject thoroughly.
  • Natasha is interested in a wide range of topics.


Natasha has been obsessed with history — the more obscure the better — since she was introduced to the Ancient Egyptians at school in her native Britain. At the same time, she realized that she really enjoyed writing as a way to share the morbid (or otherwise) historical facts she was learning with a wider audience. She has been writing professionally since she graduated from the University of Birmingham (the British one) in 2013, with a first-class B.A. in English and American Literature. Her work has also been published by Xoop, Cherry Picks, Good Housekeeping magazine UK,, Elite Daily, and Hello Giggles.


Natasha has a B.A. in English and American Literature from the University of Birmingham in her native Britain. Despite all that reading, the highest mark she got was for an essay on the second wave of feminism in America.
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Stories By Natasha Lavender