Meg Sipos

Photo of Meg Sipos
Pittsburgh, PA
Pennsylvania State University, George Mason University
Movies, TV, Literature, Comics
  • Once she's introduced to a fandom, she uses her research skills to seek out related spoilers, facts, and trivia because she wants to know absolutely everything about the subject at hand.
  • She's published several longform articles dissecting horror media.
  • She's obsessed with anything and everything related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Meg Sipos holds a BFA and MFA in creative writing, and dabbles in all the core genres: fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in MoonPark Review, Lammergeier Magazine, The Ghost Story, Quantum Shorts, Bath Flash Fiction, Liminality, Welter, Dark Hearts, 21st Century Ghost Stories Vol. II, Futures, and Wyldblood Magazine. She co-founded and co-runs The Other Folk, a small media outlet dedicated to the many faces of horror in film, art, music, and literature. There, she writes and edits longform articles, listicles, and reviews on all things horror. You can follow her on Twitter @meg_sipos and @other_folk.


As a creative writing student at Penn State, she served as an assistant editor and then a fiction editor for the literary journal Lake Effect.; As a graduate student at George Mason, she worked as Assistant Nonfiction Editor and then Nonfiction Editor for the feminist literary journal So to Speak. In working on these journals and attending many, many writing workshops, she's developed a deep understanding of story mechanics.
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Stories By Meg Sipos