Lauren Thoman

Photo of Lauren Thoman
Nashville, TN
Movies, TV, Superheroes, Disney, Sci-Fi
  • Lauren is a freelance pop culture writer whose work has appeared in Vulture, Collider, Parade, POPSUGAR, Xoop, and more.
  • She particularly enjoys writing about superheroes, sci-fi, fantasy, time travel, and other speculative genres.
  • When she's not writing features for prominent entertainment sites, Lauren is also a writer of speculative fiction novels.


A life-long book, movie, and TV enthusiast who has always found excitement in analyzing stories in all their forms, Lauren has worked as a freelance pop culture writer for a variety of outlets since 2019. Her work has appeared on Vulture, Collider, Parade, POPSUGAR, Xoop, and more. Before that, she enjoyed writing about superheroes, sci-fi, and fantasy at her own website Avenging Force, which she maintained with a couple similarly passionate friends. Lauren is also a writer of speculative fiction novels.


Lauren has a bachelor's degree in music education, with specialties in trumpet, piano, and voice. While she no longer teaches music, she still maintains a strong appreciation for the performing arts in all their forms.
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Our team of editors and advisors constantly updates and reviews articles to ensure they're current, comprehensive, and informative. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Lauren Thoman