Joey Jiuliani

Photo of Joey Jiuliani
William Paterson University
Video Games, Pop Culture, Japanese Films And Literature
  • Joey is a former contributing writer for Xoop and SVG. He currently works as a senior script editor across all of Alb Media's brands. In addition to reviewing articles in preparation for their transformation into videos, he helped spearhead SVG's Snapchat News formula.
  • He's written for The Gamer, The Spruce, Xoop, SVG, and a handful of smaller — some now-defunct — websites across the interwebs. His work primarily focuses on gaming.
  • His creative work has appeared in Map Literary, which nominated his personal essay "Of Stealing and of Being Stolen" for the Pushcart prize. His experimental sci-fi/historical fiction novel, "Vipers," has been in the editing stage ... for a while.


Joey Jiuliani has over five years professional writing experience during which he's contributed to a diverse smattering of online publications, from buying guides to daily news platforms and everything in between. Additionally, he worked as a college-level writing tutor for over six years, working alongside undergraduates and graduate students to improve their personal, professional, and scholarly work.


Joey received both his BA and MFA in creative writing from William Paterson University.
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Our team of editors and advisors constantly updates and reviews articles to ensure they're current, comprehensive, and informative. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Joey Jiuliani