Donny Sheldon

Photo of Donny Sheldon
Los Angeles, CA
American University, New York University
Independent Film, Prestige Television, Oscars And Emmys
  • Donny has been writing about entertainment since his first article freshman year of high school — a glowing "4-paw" review of Sofia Coppola's "Lost in Translation" in the Strath Haven High School Panther Press.
  • Donny won a Writers Guild Award for his work on ABC's GENERAL HOSPITAL in 2019.
  • Donny was a semi-finalist in the 2022 WGAW TV Writer Access Project, a program designed to identify and provide increased access to writers from underrepresented groups.


Donny is a Philadelphia native and Los Angeles-based writer who has worked at various print and digital outlets including Philadelphia City Paper, City A.M., the American University Eagle, Variety Magazine,, and more. After earning his MFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, he moved to Los Angeles where he worked as the Assistant to the Executive Producer and Showrunner of ABC's GENERAL HOSPITAL. After shadowing in the writers' room and scribing several produced episodes in a trial deal, he was promoted to the writing staff full-time in 2017 and wrote a script every week for three years.


Donny Sheldon earned an MFA in Dramatic Writing from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and a BA in Visual Media/Cinema Studies from American University.
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Stories By Donny Sheldon