Christopher Sosa

Photo of Christopher Sosa
Evanston, IL
University Of Missouri-Columbia
Movies, TV, Comics
  • Chris has reviewed movies and provided related content for RedEye, which has included interviews with actors.
  • Chris has written about television — including how a certain quarterback disliked the "Game of Thrones" finale — for RedEye.
  • Chris spent much of his childhood reading and collecting comics — and poring over how much some of the rarer books are worth now that he's well into adulthood.


Chris is an editor, writer and journalist who has worked in Chicago and its suburbs for more than two decades. Pop culture has often been a strong element in his stories, especially as an editor for RedEye in Chicago. He created the Nerd Mentality page for the Chicago Tribune's website, focusing on science fiction, fantasy and other entertainment genres.


Chris has two bachelor's degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia, an institution known for its renowned journalism school.
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Stories By Christopher Sosa