Chris Perez

Photo of Chris Perez
Denver, CO
Mississippi State University
Breaking Celebrity News, Star Wars, Comic Book Movies/TV Shows
  • During his six years at the New York Post, Chris generated large amounts of web traffic and was consistently one of the top three most read reporters for the website, with an average of more than 1 million clicks per week.
  • Chris loves the Marvel Cinematic Universe so much that he waited in line to see "Avengers: Endgame" at midnight while on vacation in Tokyo.
  • Chris wrote a column once about his life as a diagnosed sleep-eater, which went viral and got picked up by international news outlets and UK tabloids.


Chris Perez is an experienced writer/reporter with over 4,000 articles online and in print. His work has appeared on, the New York Post, Page Six, Fox News, Yahoo, HuffPost, MarketWatch,, The Herald Sun and Bleacher Report. After graduating from Mississippi State University in 2013, Chris was hired as a "re-write"/staff writer for the New York Post, the nation's oldest daily newspaper. For six years, he covered breaking news and local/national issues, while also penning entertainment articles and celebrity-focused stories for Page Six, as well as columns for The Post's features and opinion section. Chris left The Post in September 2019 and became a freelance reporter in early 2020. He freelanced for for roughly a year — with his work centering around movie and television news, features about professional wrestling and WWE, and write-ups about new toys/collectibles. Chris joined Xoop in the summer of 2021, where he is lucky enough to cover numerous topics from his past, like celebrity breaking news and things happening within the entertainment industry, both good and bad.


Chris has a bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies from Mississippi State University.
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Our team of editors and advisors constantly updates and reviews articles to ensure they're current, comprehensive, and informative. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Chris Perez