Alisha Grauso

Photo of Alisha Grauso
Santa Monica, CA
Indiana University Of Pennsylvania, University Of Dallas
Movies, TV, Entertainment Industry, Literature
  • Alisha has almost a decade of experience as an entertainment journalist and film critic.
  • She was previously the editor-at-large for Movie Pilot, the editorial lead for Atom Tickets, & currently, a features editor for Screen Rant, with writing around the web at Marvel, Forbes, Variety, and more.
  • She has been sourced as an expert on the entertainment industry on multiple occasions, is an accomplished panel speaker and moderator, and regularly does guest spots on podcasts and video series.


After a life in academia, Alisha fell backward into the entertainment journalism industry when her friend offered her a job as the senior staff editor for Movie Pilot — the only catch was she had to move to Berlin. A few months later she did, and four months after that, she was made Editor-in-Chief. She's never looked back. In the almost decade she's been in the industry, she's done just about everything in an editorial capacity, building up two separate editorial teams from the ground up at Movie Pilot and Atom Tickets and involved in everything from content planning strategy to doing on-camera interviews. She's currently a features editor at Screen Rant but continues to freelance on the side. She's contributed to multiple sites around the internet including Screen Rant, Atom Insider, Marvel, Forbes, Film School Rejects, Birth.Movies.Death., Variety, Skybound, and more. Like every entertainment editor living in Los Angeles, she's working on a screenplay — in theory.


Alisha was accepted into one of the first classes to be enrolled into the Robert E. Cook Honors College program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she earned her bachelor's degree in English. Later, she gained her master's degree in English from the rigorous University of Dallas.
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Stories By Alisha Grauso