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The Sandman Is Getting A Two-Part Bonus Episode

"The Sandman" has dominated Netflix's Top 10 list for the last two weeks (via Forbes) as audiences all around the world fall in love again with Neil Gaiman's deific tale about the Endless — seven beings more powerful than any god in any pantheon that represent the natural forces which underpin mortal kind. The Netflix adaptation has so far covered the imprisonment and subsequent escape of Morpheus (Tom Sturridge) aka the Lord of Dreams, as well as his time rebuilding his realm. 

He's fought against Lucifer Morningstar (Gwendoline Christie) and John Dee (David Thewlis) and the Corinthian (Boyd Holbrook), he's learned from Death (Kirby Howell-Baptiste) and Hob Gadling (Ferdinand Kingsley), and saved Rose Walker (Vanesu Samunyai). He also promised to steal a baby but, then again, nobody's perfect. 

The series has thus far proven itself to be one of the most faithful retellings ever put to screen and, in a shocking turn of events, there's more content coming our way. In fact, as of today, August 19, it's already here.

The Sandman is getting new content

In a surprise press release from Netflix earlier this week, it was announced that "The Sandman" will be getting a little extra content to round out the first season. "We're excited to confidentially share with you that there will be an additional episode of 'The Sandman' coming to Netflix on August 19th," the statement read. "The two-part bonus episode will feature the stories of 'A Dream of A Thousand Cats' (animated) and 'Calliope' (live-action). This is planned as a surprise drop for fans who have been long awaiting additional stories from 'The Sandman' universe."

The incredible news doesn't stop there. The new episodes will feature the talents of Michael Sheen and David Tennant, both of whom starred in Neil Gaiman's "Good Omens" series over on Amazon, as well as James McAvoy, who voiced Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, for the "Sandman" Audible audio drama. Other big names include Sandra Oh, Arthur Darvill, and Georgia Tennant (yes, they're married). Neil Gaiman himself will join the cast, too. 

Aside from the obvious joy that fans will get from discovering that their current "Sandman" binge doesn't have to be over just yet, the fact that the additional stories are to be the ones they chose — i.e. "A Dream of A Thousand Cats" and "Calliope" –  shows that Gaiman is adamantly and faithfully recreating his comic. Both of these entries into the comics are less connected to the main story than what has so far been shown onscreen, meaning that most studios would nix them without a second thought. 

In this way, as these are more ancillary tales, brace for unforgettable world-building, blood-thirsty kittens (no spoilers), and some seriously cool connections to Greek mythology that should technically kill anyone who listens (again, no spoilers).