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Warner Bros.' Eyebrow-Raising Timeline For Ezra Miller Reshoots On The Flash

Over the past six months, Ezra Miller has been arrested three times for multiple criminal acts. They've also been accused of grooming a teen from the age of 12 with drugs and alcohol. Throughout the summer, Miller was also allegedly on the run from lawyers and law enforcement (via the Los Angeles Times). 

Miller's latest run-in with cops came on August 7 in Vermont after homeowners of a Stamford residence accused them of swiping bottles of alcohol from them, per State Police. But that's not when the alleged crime occurred. It was on May 1 that the felony burglary complaint was first filed, but authorities couldn't locate Miller and charge them until August 7. "As a result of an investigation that included surveillance videos and statements, probable cause was found to charge Ezra M. Miller with the offense of felony burglary into an unoccupied dwelling," cops said in the incident report. 

But Vermont authorities weren't the only ones looking for the "The Flash" and "Justice League" star. Law enforcement and lawyers in North Dakota were also trying to find them since June 2022 for the aforementioned grooming situation. And if the burglary report mentioned is accurate, that means something fishy went down with the recent "The Flash" reshoots.

Ezra Miller was somehow allowed to do summer reshoots while on the run from lawyers and law enforcement

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ezra Miller was allowed to participate in regularly scheduled additional photography for "The Flash" over the summer — meaning they got to come back and reshoot some scenes for the DC Comics movie. Somehow this was allowed despite Miller being on the run from the law.

While no specific date is given, sources told THR that Miller's reshoots went off without incident and that Warner Bros. seems to be still interested in the possibility of releasing "The Flash" in June 2023. According to the Los Angeles Times, police and lawyers in North Dakota were attempting to locate Miller in June 2022 to serve the DC star with a protective order. This order accused them of physical and emotional abuse and grooming 18-year-old Tokata Iron Eyes with drugs and alcohol. Iron Eyes was under 18 when they first met Miller, and their relationship began. "They move around so much [that] we're stuck in this legal limbo situation, and we can't serve them in any place they're in long enough," said attorney and activist Chase Iron Eyes, the father of Tokata, back in June. Fast-forward to August, and Miller is still allegedly on the run with Tokata, now facing felony burglary charges — with a blockbuster movie on the way. But "Batgirl" can't catch a break for some reason.