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The Chicago P.D. Character You Likely Forgot Anne Heche Played

"Chicago P.D." is one of those kind of shows that allows for a fair amount of guest stars, much like the other series in the "One Chicago" franchise. This is due to the fact of changing internal politics, investigating agents from other precincts, civilian victims and perpetrators, and even new hires that may or may not stick around for any amount of extended time. The world of "Chicago P.D." often deals with high-stakes arrests, corruption, and what it means to be a law enforcement agent — some officers believe in following the law to the letter, while others may not take issue with bending the rules or cutting corners. Some may not even qualify as a true agent of justice, and act in their own self-interest.

Anne Heche is a famous actor who has been in roles that have seen her going on wild tropical adventures with Harrison Ford in "Six Days, Seven Nights," and facing cataclysmic geological events in "Volcano." According to IMDb, Heche has around 92 acting credits and has earned nine awards from 11 nominations. It may come as a surprise to some that Heche lent her skills to 11 episodes of "Chicago P.D.," but who did she play?

Heche plays an utterly ruthless deputy superintendent in Chicago P.D.

Anne Heche played a rather unscrupulous "law enforcement" agent in "Chicago P.D." known as Katherine Brennan, who first appeared in the Season 6 episode "New Normal." Law enforcement deserves to be in quotes there because, as any hardcore fan of "Chicago P.D." will tell you, she is more willing to completely disregard the rules. Achieving the rank of deputy superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, Brennan is utterly ruthless when it comes to the advancement of her career. This means that she likes to buddy up to politicians and manipulate outcomes in her favor, and both she and Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) have somewhat of an antagonistic relationship. 

Through the course of 11 episodes, her actions soon come to light — she has been involved with grievous breaches of protocol and other dubious actions. She resigns her position within the police department when threatened with exposure but still funnels information to Voight. Eventually, Brennan is implicated in the death of the mayor, which results in her being arrested and sentenced to three years for murder in the Season 7 episode "Doubt." As reported by TV Insider, Heche described the character as one of the most powerful women in Chicago and added, "She's not a bad person, but very determined." Although Heche's character of Brennan is eventually jailed, her tenure on the show added a new dynamic among her co-stars and created yet another layer of depth in Voight's personality. One certainly doesn't become as grizzled as the aforementioned officer without being tested by people like Brennan.