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Why Deadliest Catch's Jake Anderson Can Never Bring Himself To Watch The Show

Jake Anderson is a fixture of Discovery Channel crab fishing reality show "Deadliest Catch," after first joining the crew of fan favorite captain Sig Hansen in Season 3 and gradually establishing himself as a formidable fisherman in his own right as the series progressed.

His profile on the Discovery website notes how Anderson has gone through his fair share of ups and downs over the course of his career. For example, Anderson at one point left Hansen's crew to captain a vessel called the Kiska Sea. Anderson's first attempt at taking on a leadership role failed, though, leading him to return to the crew of Hansen's Northwestern, and in a lesser position than where he worked prior to his departure.

Anderson never gave up on his goal of running a ship, however, and now captains the Saga — a development that itself has contributed to some on- and off-screen drama. For instance, fans thought one particular Saga storyline on "Deadliest Catch" was cringe-worthy. Some viewers also noticed that the Saga was missing from "Deadliest Catch" for a time during its 17th season.

In spite of his career trajectory fueling plenty of significant developments over the course the series, Anderson once revealed that he personally never goes back and watches episodes of the show.

Jake Anderson can't bring himself to relieve some of the tougher moments of his career

F/V Saga Captain Jake Anderson revealed that he doesn't watch "Deadliest Catch" during a group interview alongside some of his fellow captains published to Yahoo Entertainment's BUILD Series YouTube channel. First, interviewer Mandi Bierly asked Captain Wild Bill about a scene in Season 14 in which a crew member of his falls overboard into life-threateningly cold waters. Springboarding off of the ensuing discussion, Anderson cited difficult moments like this as his reason for not watching the show.

"You'll never see me watching the show, 'cause I can only re-live that once," he said. "I can't re-live it twice. It's hard just, even talking about a lot of stuff."

Though Anderson may not watch "Deadliest Catch," he's had positive things to say about the show on multiple occasions. In an interview with Pop Culture Principle, for example, Anderson praised the manner in which it documents his personal growth. "I think the show as a whole is phenomenal and for me, it's documented me growing over the past eight years. I don't think any other show has really shown people making goals and achieving them," he said.

Anderson likewise told Hollywood Soapbox that he thinks "Deadliest Catch" is the first show to properly chronicle the so-called American dream.

Seemingly, then, the personal difficulties that Anderson doesn't want to re-watch are some of the very same developments he thinks make "Deadliest Catch" such compelling viewing.