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Here's What Convinced Michael Keaton To Don The Batsuit Again In The Flash

The upcoming DC Extended Universe movie "The Flash" has been in the news for many reasons, and unfortunately, not all of them have been positive. In fact, star Ezra Miller's future as The Flash doesn't look too good after a series of highly public incidents and allegations. Behind-the-scenes news aside, though, the movie itself might very well shape up to be a pretty interesting affair, not least because it features multiple movie versions of Batman

Ben Affleck's well-received version of the Caped Crusader was recently confirmed to appear in "Aquaman 2," and will also be in "The Flash." What's more, Michael Keaton's classic Batman from the Tim Burton movies is set to appear in the film. But what could have motivated an actor of Keaton's notoriety to don the uncomfortable-looking Burton-era Batsuit three decades after his last Bat-appearance in 1992's "Batman Returns?" The actor has now revealed why he agreed to revisit his famous superhero role in "The Flash."

Keaton agreed to reprise the role for the fun of it

As his appearances as the villainous Vulture in "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and "Morbius" prove, Michael Keaton isn't averse to visiting superhero universes on occasion. In an interview with Variety, he noted that while he doesn't actually watch superhero movies — or all that many other movies or shows, for that matter — he's fascinated by their sheer scale and worldbuilding. This, he revealed, was what motivated him to once again don the Batsuit: He wanted to jump in that world and enjoy himself.    

"It seemed like fun," Keaton said. "I was curious what it would be like after this many years. Not so much me doing it — obviously, some of that — but I was just curious about it, weirdly, socially. This whole thing is gigantic. They have their entirely own world. So, I like to look at it as an outsider, thinking 'Holy moly!'"

Apart from his own curiosity, Keaton also noted that the movie is well-written, which presumably didn't hurt when he was weighing his options. All in all, the actor seems genuinely enthusiastic to bring one of his most famous roles in the DCEU.

"The Flash" will arrive in cinemas on June 23, 2023.