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The Conners Fans Have An Interesting Theory On How The Series Will End

"The Conners" has hung in there for four seasons so far. There was plenty of understandable skepticism of the show when ABC decided to retool a canceled "Roseanne" after its lead star, Roseanne Barr, was fired in 2018. Though the decision to keep going was called bittersweet by The New York Times writer James Poniewozik, he also noted that its 1st season provided for a catharsis regarding the controversy around both Barr and the polarizing 9th season of "Roseanne."

Much of that came down to the other characters. For as compelling a character as Roseanne Conner was, the show also had a strong ensemble in John Goodman (Dan), Laurie Metcalf (Jackie), and everyone else. Also working in the show's favor was how the writers have done a very good job introducing new characters that are engaging, likable, and funny. Throughout the show, significant others have come into the orbit of the Conner family. Some, like Harris' (Emma Kenney) less-than-bright fiance Aldo (Tony Cavalero), have come with an expiration date. Others, like Darlene's (Sara Gilbert) now-husband Ben (Jay R. Ferguson), and Jackie's now-husband Neville (Nat Faxon), and, of course, Dan's new wife Louise (Katey Sagal) have proven durable enough for the often-acerbic Conners.

It's proven a successful enough lineup. "The Conners" has been renewed for a 5th season. That said, some fans have seen signs of the beginning of the end in Season 4. Enough for a few of them to start making predictions for the series finale.

Some fans think that Season 5 will be the last

"I'm kind of getting the feeling that they may wrap up the series in s5," wrote u/TrixieVanSickle at the r/TheConners subreddit. The rationale is based on the events of the last few episodes of Season 4. One of the series' lasting premises is the center of gravity that is the house Dan and Roseanne shared in Lanford. By now, even grown-up Becky (Lecy Goranson) and Darlene have moved back in, along with their kids.

But the last few episodes of Season 4 not only saw Darlene newly remarried but also planning to build her own home, along with an invitation for Becky and her kids to move in with them. The season finale also saw Louise consoling Dan, who has now come down with a sudden strong case of empty nest syndrome.

On Reddit, u/TrixieVanSickle posited that all of this points to Dan finally letting go of the house. "The last scene would be Dan, standing alone in the empty house," they wrote. "He walks to the front door and turns to look around and says 'Goodbye, Rosie.', turns off the light and leaves."

There appears to be a good amount of enthusiasm on the thread for this ending. "I usually hate fan fiction because it is sooooo cringe," wrote u/robmerrill92, "but I could totallllly see a final scene like that with Dan. It would be pretty damn emotional considering it would be a complete wrap up of both The Conners and Roseanne." And while u/Any_Championsip2598 expressed hope that "The Conners" would go beyond Season 5, they wrote that the ending speculated by the original poster might just happen.

A fitting end?

Though showrunner Bruce Helford and executive producer Dave Caplan did confirm to CinemaBlend that the building of Ben and Darlene's house would indeed be a big plot point for Season 5, they also clarified that it won't be what the season revolves around. "We'll be discussing that, actually," said Caplan. "But we know we're not going to do a whole season — the contractors in our audience will be disappointed, but we're not going to do sort of a whole house-building for the course of the season."

Caplan and Helford also acknowledged that there is a lot of history in the Conner house, which fans identify with, too. When it came time to reboot "Roseanne," they were able to find several props and set-pieces from the original run that they knew they had to include. 

This resonance among fans — about the centrality of the Conner household — is also clear back on the Reddit thread. One comment, from u/80s90sForever, expresses some skepticism about u/TrixieVanSickle's theory, claiming that it is far more likely that Louise — who has up until now had her own place — will simply move in with Dan. But as the original poster countered, Roseanne originally build that house along with Dan. "None of Louise's energy is there, Roseanne's energy is very overwhelming," they wrote. Very true. It is impossible to think of that house in Lanford home without thinking of Roseanne. But then again, Helford and Caplan have yet to mention one way or the other whether Season 5 will be the last for "The Conners."