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The Big Question We Still Have About Jurassic World Dominion's Maisie

Contains spoilers for "Jurassic World Dominion"

Colin Trevorrow's "Jurassic World Dominion" ends the long-running dinosaur franchise with a bang. The main characters from the "World" and "Park" legs of the series join forces to battle the biggest threat in the series yet: a literal apocalypse scenario. The final movie of the "Jurassic World" trilogy may not be a hit with the critics (via Rotten Tomatoes), but judging by its impressive $143-million opening weekend (per Deadline), the movie-going public certainly appreciates the film and the way it's packed with Easter eggs for true fans to notice

While "Jurassic World Dominion" is the final chapter of the "Jurassic" franchise — at least, for now — its admirable attempt to close the book on pretty much everything in the film series ends up leaving a few mysterious situations unexplained. For instance, there's one particularly big question that we still have about "Jurassic World Dominion's" Maisie Lockwood (Isabella Sermon). 

Maisie might be even more important than the movie reveals

Maisie's original big twist in "Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom" is that she's not Sir Benjamin Lockwood's (James Cromwell) granddaughter, as initially assumed. Instead, she's a clone of his dead daughter, Charlotte. "Jurassic World Dominion" chooses to add yet another loop to her family history. 

Up until now, it has been assumed that Sir Benjamin cloned Maisie, which wrecked his partnership with Jurassic Park creator, Dr. John Hammond (Richard Attenborough). As "Dominion" reveals, it was actually Charlotte who created Maisie from her own DNA, giving it a few important tweaks to give Maisie immunity from the genetic disease that ultimately killed Charlotte. As such, her altered DNA is an important part of the battle against the locust plague that acts as the movie's main threat.

Sure, it's a bit of a deus ex machina situation, but Maisie's newfound background also raises some very interesting questions about her true potential. Since her DNA has been edited toward immunity and can be used to create complex pathogens, could she potentially be the key to cure a whole array of diseases? Can the process that was used to create her be replicated, which would lead to a breakthrough in human cloning technology? Is there any way she can avoid spending the rest of her life as an incarcerated test subject when one of the "Jurassic" universe's dozens of super-rich scientists with a penchant for cloning inevitably comes across her file and has these same thoughts? 

As "Jurassic World Dominion" waltzes into the sunset, the audiences are left none the wiser about Maisie's ultimate fate. Perhaps the movie is stealthily setting up a third trilogy by leaving this unaddressed?