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The Simple Paul Rudd Moment On SNL That Made Fans Love Him Even More

Is it even humanly possible to be more likable than Paul Rudd?

The man has won over the hearts of millions. From iconic performances in the likes of "Knocked Up" and "I Love You, Man" to continuing a long-running bit with Conan O'Brien where he shows a random clip from the movie "Mac and Me" instead of whatever movie he's promoting, the actor's as charming as they come. And if memes are to be believed, the man never ages. He can do no wrong!

Considering his acting resume and his impeccable comedic timing, it perhaps should come as no surprise to learn that Rudd has hosted the institution that is "Saturday Night Live" a total of five times. And that's just him as a host; he's appeared even more often in a cameo capacity, occasionally swinging by 30 Rock to lend his friends a hand. When he appeared during one particular 2022 episode, he did something that made viewers feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Fans loved how Paul Rudd acknowledged the show's choir

It seems like everyone wants to know if their favorite celebrity is nice in real life. Anyone can pretend to be a genuinely good person, but only a select few actually practice what they preach. It would appear fans got a glimpse into how Paul Rudd has respect for everyone during the end of John Mulaney's 2022 "SNL" episode, in which Paul Rudd made a cameo appearance.

For this particular episode, the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka of New York performed in lieu of an opening sketch, and they could be found again when the credits began to roll. And it was at this point some eagle-eyed viewers caught Rudd doing something downright decent. Redditor u/EliassialE pointed out, "I think it's so nice that during the goodbyes Paul Rudd was the one of the few who went to talk to the choir."

For the tail-end of the show, you can, in fact, see the actor spending a good amount of time with the choir, talking about who-knows-what but at least giving them some much-deserved attention after their beautiful singing in the show's opening. Plenty of other people chimed in with their Rudd-based praise, writing comments like, "Could he be more of a perfect man?" and "One of the nicest guys in Hollywood, although I assume more people did after the cameras stopped rolling." It just goes to show how far small acts of kindness can go.