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How Michelle Pfeiffer Really Feels About Possibly Playing Catwoman Again

Michelle Pfeiffer's rendition of Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, in "Batman Returns" is a comic book movie performance for the ages. Fans can debate whether or not she is truly the screen's greatest Catwoman, but she consistently ranks high in such discussions, and with good reason: her performance in the movie is phenomenal.

Now, in this age where seemingly no one is off the table to return for a fan-servicing revival of a fondly remembered character, some have wondered whether Pfeiffer might ever reprise the role she embodied so purr-fectly. That speculation is especially apt now, as Pfeiffer's "Batman Returns" co-star Michael Keaton is set to appear in the upcoming film "The Flash" as the Caped Crusader, which would make it only natural for some of Keaton's various rogues from his time as Gotham's defender to make some sort of a return as well.

Could we ever see Pfeiffer playing Catwoman again? In a recent interview, the star spoke briefly about just such a possibility.

Pfeiffer says she's open to playing Catwoman again

In a wide-ranging Hollywood Reporter profile, Michelle Pfeiffer was eventually asked about having another go at her famous Catwoman portrayal in a future DC Comics movie. The idea is far from unheard of, and it wouldn't even be her first trip back to the comic book well, as she's already portrayed Janet Van Dyne, the original superheroine known as The Wasp, in 2018's "Ant-Man and the Wasp." Her answer regarding Catwoman is short and sweet, but gives fans hoping to see her version of the character again plenty of reason to be optimistic: "It would depend on the context but, yeah, I'd consider it."

As Michael Keaton himself is quoted as saying in the same story, Pfeiffer in the role of Catwoman "pulled off the almost impossible combo of sexy, ironic, tragic, dangerous and just plain good," and there's no reason to think that she couldn't pull it off again if given the opportunity. And, if the right story comes along, we might just get to see it happen.