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New Report Once Again Suggests Ben Affleck Won't Star In The Batman

And so the speculation of whether or not Ben Affleck will star in The Batman continues. Shortly after Ben's brother Casey further sparked rumors that he wasn't set to return for the upcoming standalone film, another article from The Hollywood Reporter once again cites unnamed sources saying that Affleck won't take up the cowl for director Matt Reeves.

This time, the news was buried in an article about Warner Bros. reportedly looking to Leonardo DiCaprio to star in their upcoming standalone film about the Joker. The report said that Suicide Squad actor Jared Leto was shocked to hear someone else taking over the role, and went on to suggest that, like the Joker standalone, The Batman could be part of Warner Bros. planned non-DCEU films, which would mean that Affleck would not be involved.

Reeves first stoked these rumors himself last month when he said that he told Warner Bros. he planned on making a standalone when they first approached him. However, he later contradicted himself, writing on his Twitter that "OF COURSE Batman will be part of the D.C. Universe." "In my comments from a while back about not being part of the DCEU, I was talking about The Batman being a story specifically about Batman," he elaborated. "Not about the others in the Universe. That it wouldn't be filled with cameos servicing other stories—that it would be a BATMAN story."

This is not the first time that sources have told THR that Affleck wants out of Batman. Back in July, the outlet wrote that the studio was reportedly looking into plans to "gracefully" transition Affleck out of the role of Batman ahead of a planned trilogy about the character. Their source listed a number of ways in which Affleck could leave the part, including a few inspired by the comics.

Affleck refuted these rumors at San Diego Comic-Con, saying, "Let me be very clear. I am the luckiest guy in the world. Batman is the coolest f***ing part in any universe." The actor later elaborated, saying that, with Reeves' involvement, it would be crazy for him to quit the film. "With Matt Reeves doing it, I would be a f***ing ape on the ground for Matt Reeves," he said.

Still, though, Affleck's connection to the character continues to be a subject of discussion. While his brother's reps walked back his comments that Ben wouldn't play Batman again by saying Casey was just "having fun" during the interview where he made the big reveal, that also still raised questions about if Ben has been discussing the potential of stepping down with his family. 

While Affleck's future as the caped crusader is still very much in doubt, we do know for sure that he will bring a "more traditional" version of Batman to the big screen in November's very hope-filled Justice League. For now, see why DC's big superhero team-up will be better than you think.