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The Mercer Line In The Walking Dead That Means More Than You Think

"The Walking Dead" is currently making its way through its final season, which means fans are closer than they've ever been before to finally seeing the conclusion to the AMC series' story. However, just because "The Walking Dead" is nearing its end doesn't mean the series is focusing solely on creating conflict in its final season. As a matter of fact, the series has found new ways to inject some happiness into several of its characters' lives, though, there's no way of knowing exactly how long their joy is going to last.

In its most recent episode, titled "Trust," the series even revealed that General Michael Mercer (Michael James Shaw) and Juanita "Princess" Sanchez (Paola Lázaro) have begun exploring a romantic relationship with each other. The episode's first act features a lengthy and intimate scene between the two characters, and it turns out that there's a whole lot more meaning behind one of the lines Mercer says during his conversation with Princess than "Walking Dead" fans might initially think.

Mercer's admission to Princess is special for one subtle reason

During their opening scene together in "Trust," Michael Mercer tells Princess that he loves to listen to her "talk." It's a moment that not only further establishes the fondness the two characters feel for each other, but it also showcases just how good of a pair they actually are. At least, that's what "Walking Dead" star Paola Lázaro thinks about the line in question.

In a recent interview with Insider, Lázaro shared her thoughts on Princess' new relationship and spoke extensively about the "sweet" admission Mercer makes early on in the recent "Walking Dead" episode. "I think it's very sweet because Princess is one of the few characters on this show that speaks a lot," Lázaro said. "I think Negan, Ezekiel, and Princess usually go on and on in a very detailed way. It's not just whatever. It's very well-crafted by the writers."

After noting how Princess' talkativeness separates her from many of the other characters on "The Walking Dead," Lázaro said that Mercer's love of listening to the character speak is a sign of just how much he accepts her for who she truly is. "To have his acceptance in her expressing her mind and how she feels is the ultimate acceptance that she's been seeking," Lázaro revealed. "That's just such a joy when somebody gets you and you can just be yourself in front of them."

With nine episodes to go until "The Walking Dead" Season 11 comes to an end, there's still plenty of time for Mercer and Princess' relationship to take a few dark turns. Even if the two do experience some unfortunate relationship troubles moving forward though, the opening of "Trust" makes it clear just how strong of a duo Princess and Mercer can be when they get together.