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Orphan Black Creators Talk Possibility Of Spin-Off, Movie

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Orphan Black.

Despite the series airing its final episode this weekend, it may not be the end for Orphan Black.

Speaking in an interview with The Hollywood ReporterOrphan Black  creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson discussed the possibility of a spin-off series or a film based on the series. 

For Fawcett and Manson, they believe that there's more to come from the Orphan Black universe, particularly the characters. Manson explained that the series began as a film concept in 2001, but he and Fawcett realized they "could never contain this crazy universe in a single movie." Now, the opportunity to do just that is actually feasible now that the series has wrapped. 

"Maybe now that we spat out a bunch of story on TV, maybe there is a concept that would support a feature," Manson said before quickly clarifying that an Orphan Black movie wouldn't happen immediately. "At the moment we're resting, we're going to let those characters rest a while. I have a feeling they're going to come back to haunt us in the best way." 

Fawcett agreed, stating that because Orphan Black has become a part of so many people's lives, it will continue to live on either in a spin-off or movie, or simply in finding new audiences. "For so many years this has been not just Graeme's and my baby, but a lot of people's. It was a project born of passion and excitement and just awe. It's dramatically changed everyone's life and I really hope people will continue to discover the show and that it will find more audiences in the years to come," said Fawcett. 

THR also sat down with series star Tatiana Maslany, who spoke about the possibility of additional Orphan Black content. Ultimately, she echoed many of the creators' sentiments, stating that an Orphan Black movie or spin-off would have to make sense and be distinctly different from the original series. "If there was some story that we really wanted to tell that fit in the Orphan Black universe and it was vital and different and new then that would be super cool," said Maslany. "But we finished this before it trailed on too long so hopefully it left people wanting more as opposed to being like, 'Thank God that's over.'"

As we cross our fingers for more Orphan Black goodness to come in the future, take a look at the hysterical bxoops from the show.