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This Look At Bryce Dallas Howard As Spider-Gwen Is Eye-Catching

As fans continue to recover from the incredible success of "Spider-Man: No Way Home," many are wondering what's next for not only Tom Holland's Peter Parker, but Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire's iterations of the character as well. Both Garfield and Maguire's Peter shared a heartfelt goodbye with Holland's before disappearing and seemingly returning to their own respective universes. So far as we know, the prospective future for Holland's Peter is the only version of Spider-Man that has a somewhat confirmed future with more appearances — with Garfield and Maguire, it's a little more unpredictable.

There have been rumors and fan support since the release of "Spider-Man: No Way Home" for both Andrew Garfield's "The Amazing Spider-Man 3" and Tobey Maguire's previously canceled "Spider-Man 4." The possible appearances of characters in either film from across the multiverse, if they were to happen, are many. In congruence with some appearances in 2019's "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse," the appearance of Gwen Stacy's Spider-Gwen could be fitting in either movie. As we know, Garfield's Gwen (Emma Stone) died in the events of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," but Tobey Maguire's Gwen (Bryce Dallas Howard) is still very much alive — although she likely hates Peter's guts for what he did in "Spider-Man 3."

Some recent fan art has given us an idea of what Howard's version of Gwen Stacy could look like as Spider-Gwen in a "Spider-Man 4" film, and it's eye-catching.

This is what Bryce Dallas Howard could look like as Spider-Gwen

Courtesy of the Instagram page for the artist Arifinity, fans of the Sam Raimi "Spider-Man" universe are able to see what Bryce Dallas Howard's Gwen Stacy could look like as Spider-Gwen. The concept art features Howard's Gwen with bangs and a lengthy braided ponytail, looking over her shoulder in an outfit similar to Spider-Gwen's from "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse." The costume is white with pink-webbed fabric, along with a signature hood that Gwen has been seen wearing in both film and comic appearances.

Given that the multiverse has now been broken open due to the events of "Loki" and "Spider-Man: No Way Home," and especially with the upcoming "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" movie coming this May, an appearance of Spider-Gwen in live action could certainly be possible. As to whether it is Howard's version of the character from the Raimi "Spider-Man" universe, that's way more unpredictable. She would likely only show up if Tobey Maguire's Peter appears again, and given the reception of having both Maguire and Andrew Garfield back in their respective roles, it could happen. This is all speculation, however.

Either way, it's pretty cool to see what Howard would look like as Spider-Gwen if she were to appear in any future projects.