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Characters We Want To See In The Andor TV Series

Of the many "Star Wars" series heading to Disney+, "Andor" is certainly one of the most curious — and arguably one of the most exciting. A solo show following the adventures of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" star Cassian Andor was first announced by Disney all the way back in 2018, promising "tales filled with espionage and daring missions to restore hope to a galaxy in the grip of a ruthless Empire."

Two years later, a further announcement revealed the show's setting — five years prior to the events of "Rogue One" — and named that movie's co-writer, Tony Gilroy, as writer, director, and showrunner on the series. In December 2020, Lucasfilm released a sizzle reel showcasing behind-the-scenes footage and concept art from the project, which was also finally given a title and a release date: "Andor," heading to Disney's streaming service sometime in 2022. More recently, "Andor" star Stellan Skarsgård told Swedish news site Dagens Nyheter that a second season is set to begin filming later this year.

And that's about all anyone knows. Indeed, precious little has been revealed about the show's plot, setting, or characters, although, if recent "Star Wars" projects are anything to go by, it's probably fair to say that a few familiar faces are bound to show up. But who deserves to step into the limelight in Cassian's solo outing? Here are some of the characters we want to see in the "Andor" TV series.


K-2SO is by far one of the most memorable characters in "Rogue One." Voiced and motion-captured to perfection by the legendary Alan Tudyk, this cynical, sarcastic security droid once served the Empire before being captured and rewired by Cassian Andor. By the time the events of the movie roll around, K-2 is a loyal friend to Cassian and a useful spy for the burgeoning Rebel Alliance.

The good news is that K-2SO would be a natural fit for "Andor." While the "Rogue One — Cassian & K-2SO" comic has already depicted the pair's first meeting, there's no reason that story can't be told in live-action too, and Disney probably isn't afraid to retcon its own comic books to better serve a more lucrative "Star Wars" project. Beyond that, K-2's inclusion in the series would provide a chance to better delve into his relationship with Cassian, exploring the friction they might have felt as ex-enemies and showing how they came together as allies.

The bad news, however, is that in 2021, Tudyk said he had not been cast in the show's first season, clarifying that "if it stays on the air, stories keep getting told, I'll end up in there." That's not to say that other KX-series droids might not turn up in the show as lackeys of the Empire, but it does seem, at least, that fans will have to hold out until at least Season 2 before they get to see Cassian meet and reprogram his metallic BFF.

Darth Vader

If you had to pick one truly iconic scene from "Rogue One," it'd be Darth Vader's hallway massacre in the closing moments of the movie. With the Battle of Scarif drawing to a close and Galen Erso's Death Star schematics uploaded to the Rebel fleet, Vader finally takes matters into his own hands and leads an attack on the rebel cruiser Profundity. The Sith Lord tears through the ship's corridors like a lightsaber through warm butter, slaughtering Rebel soldiers as he goes. It's only thanks to the sacrifice of an unlucky few that the survivors escape with the Death Star plans aboard the Tantive IV.

The creative team behind "Rogue One" clearly knew that less is more when it comes to Vader, and with the character due to play a key role in the upcoming "Obi-Wan Kenobi" series, "Andor" shouldn't allow him to overstay his welcome. But that doesn't mean he can't show up at all.

Vader's finest moments outside of the original "Star Wars" trilogy tend to involve him murdering Rebel soldiers — the 2016 comic "Vader Down" features a similar scene to "Rogue One," in which Vader, encircled by hundreds of Rebel troops, tells them that all he is actually surrounded by "is fear and dead men." A reprise would almost certainly be welcomed by "Andor" audiences, and with Cassian's journey sure to bring him up against legions of Imperial servants, who knows if we might get a cameo from the deadliest of them all?

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano has appeared in seven seasons' worth of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," three seasons of "Star Wars: Rebels," an episode of "The Mandalorian," and an episode of "The Book of Boba Fett." Not to mention, of course, the limited series "Ahsoka," which is due to begin filming in April 2022. There's certainly been no shortage of Ahsoka content in recent years.

While many fans won't necessarily be clamoring to see even more of Anakin Skywalker's ex-padawan — especially considering the controversy behind Rosario Dawson's casting as a live-action version of the character in 2020 — she could feasibly have a place in "Andor." During the time in which the series is set, Ahsoka is very much active (albeit in hiding), working for Bail Organa's Rebels under the codename "Fulcrum."

Curiously enough, according to "Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide," Cassian also took on the Fulcrum alias at some point during his career as a spy. This would suggest that he and Ahsoka had at least some form of contact during the early years of the rebellion, although what that contact may have looked like is anyone's guess. It's also hard to say whether Tony Gilroy and his crew will want to bring any Jedi characters into their grittier world of rebel espionage, but, if they do, Ahsoka will no doubt be waiting. As usual.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

You may not have heard, but Disney and Lucasfilm are releasing a little show on Disney+ on May 25 called "Obi-Wan Kenobi." Starring Ewan McGregor in the title role and Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader, the series takes place a decade after the events of "Revenge of the Sith" — or, four years before "Andor."

Not too long ago, you might have been forgiven for assuming that there was no chance Obi-Wan could show up in a Cassian series unless some of it takes place on Tatooine, as the Jedi-in-exile would never have stepped foot off the desert planet during that time. After the release of a 2021 sizzle reel, however, it seems that at least some of "Obi-Wan Kenobi" will take place off-world, pretty much blowing that assumption out of the water.

Now, almost anything could happen. Cassian could certainly visit Tatooine during "Andor," but alternatively, Obi-Wan himself could leave Tatooine to assist the Rebels, bringing him into contact with Cassian. Heck, he might even appear in only a cameo role — as a hologram message sent to the Rebels, perhaps. It's not a guarantee by any stretch of the imagination, but we wouldn't rule out an Obi-Wan appearance in "Andor" just yet.

Grand Moff Tarkin

Although there's been no hint as to who might be playing the main antagonist in "Andor," it's safe to assume that they'll be an Imperial of one kind or another. And while it's likely that Tony Gilroy will want to bring in an original villain to face off against Cassian and his allies, it's also possible that a few legacy baddies might appear, too.

Take Grand Moff Tarkin, for example. The iconic "A New Hope" villain made a surprise cameo appearance in "Rogue One," using revolutionary technology that has since become more or less commonplace in both "Star Wars" and Hollywood in general. At the time, Tarkin's CGI was iffy at best — it seemed to vary from decent to woeful depending on the shot — but "Andor" could offer the perfect opportunity to give the character another go.

Tarkin, of course, was at the peak of his Imperial career at the time "Andor" is set, and the man who appears in "Star Wars: Rebels" during the same period is cunning, cruel, and outright terrifying. Whoever goes toe-to-toe with Cassian during "Andor" is bound to have a murderous superior to report to — that's just the way the Empire works. And if Vader's out of the question, then Tarkin will doubtless do the job just as efficiently.

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Admiral Thrawn was arguably the most popular villain from the pre-Disney "Legends" canon, having appeared in a number of "Star Wars" novels, comic books, and video games. In 2016, fans of the franchise rejoiced as the character was brought into the new canon via the third season of "Star Wars: Rebels," in which he acts as a leading antagonist to the show's heroes. Since then, he has gone on to feature in further episodes of "Rebels," as well as two separate trilogies of novels centered around the character. Most notably, however, the second season of "The Mandalorian" reveals that Ahsoka Tano is on the hunt for Thrawn, suggesting that he'll turn up in her solo series.

The long-awaited debut of a live-action Thrawn, then, must only be a matter of time. While the Thrawn of "Ahsoka" will probably be well past his prime, what with the entire Empire having gone kaput a few years before, "Andor" could easily portray a live-action version of the grand admiral at his brilliant and merciless best. Of course, one major question is who might actually play Thrawn. In February 2022, it was reported that "Vikings" star Ray Stevenson had joined the cast of "Ahsoka" as a villain (and an admiral, no less) but insisted that he won't be playing Thrawn. For now, the real-life face behind this ruthless "Star Wars" villain remains a total mystery.

Saw Gerrera

Saw Gerrera is a Rebel unlike any other in the "Star Wars" galaxy. While most of the organized Rebel Alliance tends to play by the rules of war, Saw is a hardcore extremist with no qualms about torturing and murdering his enemies — hence why, by the time of "Rogue One," he has been disowned by most of his fellow Rebels. The character debuted in "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and has also appeared in "Rebels," "The Bad Batch," and "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order."

As a hardened enemy of the Empire and an erstwhile ally of the Rebel Alliance, Saw's inclusion in "Andor" makes a lot of sense. And sure enough, in 2021, resident "Andor" leaker Stellan Skarsgård told a Swedish radio station that he had filmed at least one scene alongside Forest Whitaker, who portrayed Saw in "Rogue One."

By the time Saw appears in "Andor," he will have just abandoned his protégée and adoptive daughter, Jyn Erso, for fear of her Imperial family ties being used against his Rebel cell. As a result, the Saw who meets Cassian (and Stellan Skarsgård's unknown character) will likely be far more bitter and radical than the man we saw in "The Clone Wars" and "The Bad Batch." "Andor" could even provide a bridge of sorts for Saw, showing how he fell further still, finally becoming the hardened fanatic of "Rebels" and "Rogue One."

Enfys Nest

Enfys Nest is one of the most criminally underrated Rebel characters in the "Star Wars" mythos. First appearing in "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and having failed to appear in anything since, this young gunslinger is active at least five years prior to "Andor." In "Solo," she leads her gang of Cloud-Riders against the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate, eventually pivoting towards a greater conflict: After Han Solo retrieves a shipment of coaxium from the mining world of Kessel, Enfys declares her intention to offer it to the nascent Rebel Alliance.

In fact, according to the expanded "Solo" novelization, Enfys hands the coaxium over to none other than Saw Gerrera. After that, however, she totally disappears, and no "Star Wars" property since has divulged what Enfys and the Cloud-Riders got up to. This presents the perfect opportunity for her to play a key role in "Andor," and her nobler, more hopeful form of rebellion should provide a marked contrast to that of Gerrera's.

In 2020, a fan asked Enfys actor Erin Kellyman whether she might be returning in "Andor," to which the star coyly replied, "no spoilers here sorry." Whether she returns in "Andor" or in another film or series, one thing is for sure — it would be a real shame if Enfys' story began and ended with "Solo."

Director Krennic

"Rogue One" fans may have noticed the glaring omission of one particular Imperial villain thus far, but just because Director Krennic is less recognizable than Vader, Tarkin, or even Thrawn, that doesn't make him less formidable. In "Rogue One," Krennic personifies the banality of evil: He's a bureaucrat and an ambitious careerist, a man who sees only beauty in the murder of countless innocents, and who will stop at nothing to maintain or advance his own position in the Empire.

Most of Krennic's post-"Rogue One" appearances in the "Star Wars" canon have involved the construction of the Death Star, which makes sense, considering his position as director of the Empire's weapons research program. As the Rebels first learn of the Death Star's existence in "Rogue One," it doesn't seem likely that "Andor" will be too involved with that particular storyline, although a Krennic cameo will be practically guaranteed if it is. Even without the Death Star, however, "Andor" could have room for Krennic, who undoubtedly had his fingers in many dastardly pies during his younger days.

As it happens, it was reported in 2021 that Ben Mendelsohn had indeed signed on for a role in "Andor," although this currently remains unconfirmed. Still, Mendelsohn's performance in "Rogue One" was as enthralling as it was unpleasant, and he'd be a welcome addition to the cast of Cassian's solo adventure.

General Draven

Davits Draven plays a relatively minor role in "Rogue One" — he's tasked with rescuing Jyn Erso from the clutches of the Empire and then briefing her for the mission to Jedha. Before they depart, Draven orders Cassian to kill Galen Erso, Jyn's father, rather than extract him; he then sends a squadron of Rebel fighters to bomb the imperial base on Eadu, resulting in Galen's death.

Thanks to "Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide," we also have some information about Draven's past. In his early days as a Rebel, he carried out dirty work against the Empire, including sabotage, theft, and assassinations. Later, after being promoted to general, he became known (and disliked) for his ability to make difficult decisions. "Star Wars: The Rebel Files"  reveals that Draven often worked with Cassian on his missions — hence Cassian's clear respect for the general in "Rogue One" itself. And Draven's eventual death, which takes place in the comic book "Star Wars" #54, cemented his reputation among fans as one of the most unexpectedly bad-ass Rebels in the Original Trilogy era.

Draven's long history with the Rebellion, and with Cassian in particular, makes him a likely candidate for a regular role in "Andor," be it in the first season or beyond. And if we get even a glimpse of the staunch and ferocious soldier from that "Star Wars" comic, then Draven could easily end up being a fan favorite.

Bail Organa

Despite getting little more than a name-drop in "A New Hope," Bail Organa has gone on to become one of the most popular secondary characters in the "Star Wars" galaxy. Nowadays, the Alderaanian senator has turned up in everything from the prequel trilogy to "The Clone Wars" to "Rogue One," usually portrayed as one of the key organizers of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

During the period in which "Andor" is set, Bail is mostly busy leading the fledgling Rebellion, recruiting more members — including Ahsoka Tano — to his cause. And while he is, sadly, destined to perish along with his homeworld of Alderaan during "A New Hope," Cassian's series could explore his contribution to the Rebellion in greater depth than ever before.

Bail fans will be glad to hear that, in 2020, rumors began to fly that Jimmy Smits was in talks to reprise the role for "Andor," alongside Alistair Petrie, who would be returning as General Draven. Not much more has been heard since, but with much of the show's cast yet to be announced, we'd say that Smits has as good a chance of making a comeback as anybody else.

Hera Syndulla

A leading light of the "Star Wars: Rebels" cast, Hera Syndulla is one of the most important figures in the early days of the Rebellion. By the time she meets Ezra Bridger on Lothal, she is already a veteran Rebel, having formed a small cell known as the Spectres aboard her ship, the Ghost. Hera later joins up with Bail Organa's Phoenix Cell and has presumably been palling around with them for around seven years by the time "Andor" begins.

The first season of "Rebels" begins at about the same time as "Andor," so there's not a lot of potential overlap between her time with the Spectres and any potential adventures with Cassian, but Hera's not out of the picture just yet. There's still plenty of room in the first season of "Andor" to feature her, and she could also appear in flashbacks. Considering "Andor" — a "tense nail-biting spy thriller," according to Disney — is supposed to show off the galaxy's tougher side, a brave and compassionate hero such as Hera could impart some more upstanding values towards Cassian as he descends further and further into the murky world of galactic espionage.


Most "Star Wars" fans won't immediately know the name "Tivik," but you might remember his face — he's the informant who meets Cassian on the Ring of Kafrene in one of the opening scenes in "Rogue One." Acting as a useful connection between Saw Gerrera's insurgents and the Rebel Alliance, Tivik provides Cassian with information regarding the existence of the Death Star; sadly, when the pair are cornered by stormtroopers, Tivik's broken arm prevents him from fleeing, forcing Cassian to murder him so that Tivik won't be captured and interrogated by the Empire.

Although he has a very minor role in "Rogue One," Tivik is played by Daniel Mays, who some might recognize as something of a stalwart of prestige British television. Over the years, Mays has starred in shows such as "Doctor Who," "Good Omens," "Ashes to Ashes," and "Line of Duty" — he's exactly the kind of guy who could easily come back for a role on "Andor."

Tivik's association with Saw Gerrera would give the show a good excuse to introduce him, while his description in "Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide" as "an unscrupulous source of information" for the Rebel Alliance suggests he has a prior history with characters such as Cassian. Bringing back Tivik, building on that relationship, and perhaps even portraying him and Cassian as friends of sorts might give the latter a link to the darker side of the Rebellion — and shed a tragic new light on that scene in "Rogue One."