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Robert Pattinson Weighs In On His Future As Matt Reeves' Batman

Every time that a brave new soul enters the Batcave to put on that iconic suit, fans end up wondering when the next fitting will be. It happened with Christian Bale the second he got handed a Joker card at the conclusion of "Batman Begins" — and a title like that was just asking for trouble, so he ended up with an entire trilogy. This year, meanwhile, both Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck will be reprising their iterations of the Bat for "The Flash." 

With that in mind, it begs the question of just where that leaves Robert Pattinson and his impending fresh take on the character in Matt Reeves' "The Batman." Anticipation is already through the roof, as the world waits to see just how the young star handles one of DC's finest characters and the dangers he'll be up against. However, should it be a success, could there be another installment on the way that will see Pattinson punching goons that picked the wrong night to commit crimes in Gotham City? 

Following a recent interview with the man himself, it sounds like he sure hopes so.

Pattinson wants a trilogy, as long as the fans do, too

Speaking to Fandango along with the rest of the cast for "The Batman," Pattinson was asked how long he'd like to play the role past his debut as the Dark Knight in "The Batman." In a response that's a far cry from the kind of Bruce Wayne we've caught glimpses of in the upcoming film, the star was very enthusiastic at the prospect of fighting crime and looking stupidly cool doing it again, given his recent experience.

"It was so fun doing it. I'm down for doing it as many times as people wanna see me [laughs]. We've gotta get this one out first," Pattinson explained. Regarding future prospects of bringing his Bat back to theatres, he was open about the conversations he'd already had with the director and writer of the upcoming film and the ideas they've stewed over together. "I've talked to Matt [Reeves] about the idea of doing a trilogy and that would be wonderful. I really, really enjoyed the process and such a fun character to play. That would be lovely. Lovely."

We can see how he handles himself on his first Knight out when "The Batman" arrives in theatres on March 4.