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Most Memorable Thor Quotes In The MCU

Crash-landing on Earth in 2011, Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) solidified himself as a force to reckoned with in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Quickly becoming one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Mjollnir-wielding Asgardian God of Thunder served as one of the strongest Avengers (or, if you were to ask him, the strongest) and became a fan-favorite. He was known for his strength, his occasional arrogance, and in the latter part of the Infinity Saga, his comedic timing.

Thor spits out plenty of one-liners, witty remarks, and inspirational quotes throughout seven MCU films. While he might not have delivered speeches with gusto like Captain America (Chris Evans) or had the quick comebacks of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor definitely has his fair share of great MCU quotes. He's not a man of many words, so most of these are on the short side, but that doesn't make them any less memorable.

'This drink, I like it. Another!'

When Thor lands on Earth — or, if you're talking to an Asgardian, Midgard — it takes him some time to get acclimated to the new planet. This is his first go on Earth, and he's not familiar with its food and beverage offerings. On one of Thor's first outings with his new human friends, he dines in a small café and tries some coffee. As he should be, Thor is delighted with the beverage and says, "This drink, I like it." He then proceeds to smash the mug on the ground and shouts, "Another!"

The moment is easily one of the best in "Thor" and certainly one of the funniest. While this would have been totally acceptable behavior on Asgard, Thor quickly learns it's not how people behave on Earth. When scolded by Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) for smashing the mug and not asking for a refill nicely, Thor lets her know he "meant no disrespect." He finds a little bit of humor in the situation, smirking while noting, "It was delicious; I want another." Thor then promises not to behave like that again, telling Jane she has his word. It's one of the first moments when it looks like there might be something brewing between the pair as he softly smiles at her.

'He's adopted'

Despite Loki (Tom Hiddleston) committing some of the most brutal acts in the MCU, Thor is always defensive of his brother. In "The Avengers," the trickster god is the lead antagonist, hellbent on winning the Earth in exchange for the Tesseract. In just his first hour on the planet, Loki kills dozens of people as he arrives at S.H.I.E.L.D. through a portal. As reported by Agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), there are a lot of people still under the rubble after the base is decimated — all thanks to Loki's arrival and tampering with the Tesseract's power.

Later in the film, when the Avengers first come together aboard the Hellicarrier, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) says that Loki's "brain is a bag full of cats," adding, "you can smell crazy on him." Thor steps up and defends Loki, telling Bruce that he is his brother and to "take care" in how he speaks of an Asgardian. Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) comes in hot with the facts, saying, "He killed 80 people in two days." Not so willing to defend his little brother anymore, Thor looks around and replies softly, "He's adopted." It's one of the funniest and best-delivered lines in "The Avengers" and might just be one of Thor's top five quotes.

'I'm totally from the future'

"Avengers: Endgame" is full of emotional moments, ranging from tragic deaths to feelings of hopelessness. However, that does not mean they all had sad outcomes. One of the film's most touching scenes comes when Thor and Rocket (Bradley Cooper) travel back to Asgard in the year 2013. Their quest to get the Aether is interrupted when Thor bumps into his mother, Frigga (Rene Russo). She immediately realizes that something isn't right with her son, and it's not because he's sporting a fake eye or a large new gut.

Frigga grins and touches Thor's face, saying, "The future hasn't been kind to you." With a nervous laugh, Thor says, "I never said I was from the future." After reminding her son that she was raised by witches and sees with more than eyes, Thor responds, sobbing, "I'm totally from the future." His choked-up quote is one of the many humorous points in "Avengers: Endgame" and one of the many comedic moments from the God of Thunder.

'We know each other! He's a friend from work!'

"Thor: Ragnarok" is a wild ride and vastly different from the first two solo Chris Hemsworth flicks. The film, which relies heavily on comedy, sees Thor on Sakaar as a prisoner of the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum). Thor is immediately thrown into the Contest of Champions — a one-on-one battle to the death watched by thousands of attendees. In Thor's first and only fight in the massive ring, he doesn't learn who his opponent is until seconds before their battle. It turns out to be the Hulk, and upon seeing his Avengers teammate, Thor is elated.

"Yes," he screams to the confusion of the Grandmaster and the onlookers. While looking up at the V.I.P. booth, Thor says, "We know each other! He's a friend from work!" It's a hilarious moment, which would have been all the funnier if it wasn't used so heavily in the trailers and promotions for the film.

It also turns out this quote was a suggestion from a Make-A-Wish recipient who was on the set the day the scene was filmed. Hemsworth noted the young boy came up with the "friend from work" line, and it was so good that director Taika Waititi decided to use it in the film.

'Bring me Thanos!'

One cannot discuss the greatest superhero entrances of all time without giving a nod to Thor's arrival in Wakanda in "Avengers: Infinity War." It just might be the greatest thanks to the timing of the score mixed with Thor's reveal. However, what really makes the scene great is what Thor's arrival means for the rest of the Avengers. Shortly after slamming down to Earth with Rocket and Groot (Vin Diesel) at his side, Thor eliminates a hefty number of Outriders as Stormbreaker pummels through them like a lost boomerang looking for its thrower.

When he catches Stormbreaker, Thor then charges toward the rest of the Outrider army and yells, "Bring me Thanos!" before launching into the air, wrapped in bolts of lightning. He smashes back down to the ground, taking out even more Outriders, and it looks the Avengers might not have stood a chance without him. You can hear the rage in Thor's voice as he looks for Thanos (Josh Brolin) — the deaths of Loki and Heimdall (Idris Elba) weighing heavily on his mind. Not only is it one of Thor's most memorable quotes, but it is also one of his best scenes in the MCU.

'The Asgardians of the Galaxy! Back together again'

One of the funniest lines in "Avengers: Endgame" is also one an MCU fan might easily miss on the first viewing. After Thanos is destroyed, Thor meets up with Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) in New Asgard and lets her know that she is now King. As Rocket stands by the Benatar, Thor boards the ship to find the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy — sans Gamora (Zoe Saldana).

As soon as Thor approaches Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), he grunts and says with a smile, "The Asgardians of the Galaxy! Back together again." The play on words here is simply perfect and hints at what's to come between Thor and his new friends, who he met previously in "Avengers: Infinity War." Thor and Quill go back and forth over who is in charge. We're sure to see how this all plays out when "Thor: Love and Thunder" premieres. Thankfully, we haven't seen the last of the Asgardians of the Galaxy.

'I went for the head'

The surviving heroes of "Avengers: Infinity War" all deal with the fallout of Thanos' snap in their own way. Thor is one of them who takes it the hardest, especially since he was the closest to killing Thanos right at the very end. He is able to launch Stormbreaker into the Mad Titan's chest and even pushes it in further when he gets closer, but Thanos snaps his fingers and promptly disappears through a portal, leaving Thor with the parting words: "You should have gone for the head."

With the help of Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), the surviving heroes head to the Garden to get the Infinity Stones back in "Avengers: Endgame." After realizing that Thanos has destroyed them, Thor immediately takes out his frustration and beheads the villain with Stormbreaker. Rocket looks on confused and shocked, asking, "What did you do?" Looking surprised himself, Thor responds, "I went for the head." It's one of those moments in which the audience might want to laugh at the full-circle moment, but it turns out to be a devastating scene.

'You people are so petty ... and tiny'

"The Avengers" saw the team quickly falling after they had a major back-and-forth in Bruce Banner's lab aboard the Helicarrier. As usual, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers argue about one another's abilities and personalities while Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) tries to explain why S.H.I.E.L.D. creating weapons of mass destruction is an okay thing. Natasha is on Fury's side but mostly stays quiet as Bruce gets increasingly frustrated over the S.H.E.I.L.D. director's omissions.

Like the rest of us, Thor is giggling on the sidelines, watching everything that goes down in the small lab. "You people are so petty... and tiny," he says with a chuckle. Thor definitely is not someone who's going to get involved in the drama because he sees it for what it is. The added "and tiny" brings this memorable quote to perfection, adding that extra bit of comic relief to a very tense scene.

'I knew it'

One of the great moments in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" comes during a party at Avengers Tower. After most of the attendees leave, the heroes sit around a coffee table and discuss lifting Thor's hammer. Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner), Tony Stark, James Rhodes (Don Cheadle), and Bruce Banner attempt the feat and fail. Steve Rogers also gives it a whirl, and he's actually able to move it the tiniest bit. He doesn't even realize he's done anything noteworthy, but the concern on Thor's face proves it did, in fact, move. Surely, if anyone else were worthy of Mjolnir, it would have to be Captain America.

In "Avengers: Endgame," we find that out to be true when Cap hails Mjolnir while Thanos tries to plunge Stormbreaker into Thor's chest. When the hammer finds its way to Steve's hand, the camera cuts to Thor who says, "I knew it." We all knew it all along, but to hear the man himself say that he knew his teammate was worthy of Mjolnir all this time was an extra attaboy for Cap. The quote takes an incredible scene to the next level, and it is safe to say we all feel like Thor in that moment.

'I have no plans to die today'

Thor's arrogance is evident in the original 2011 film, and it's proven to the audience fairly quickly. After some Frost Giants sneak their way into Asgard, Thor takes the Warriors Three, Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander), and Loki to Jotunheim to seek answers. Is he hoping for a little more fun than that? Probably. Heimdall warns the group about traveling to Jotunheim and lets them know he will not open the Bifrost if he senses any threat. Should Thor and his pals need a quick escape, they better not hold their breath because Heimdall will not risk any Asgardian lives.

"If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed to you, and you'll be left to die in the cold wastes of Jotunheim," Heimdall grimly tells the group. "I have no plans to die today," Thor replies with a smile. His cockiness shines through, but Heimdall shuts it down and says, "None do." Thor's quote is a great one that could be repeated at any make-or-break moment in the MCU and hold the same weight.

'I'd rather be a good man than a great king'

Based on Rotten Tomatoes scores, "Thor: The Dark World" might be the worst MCU film featuring Chris Hemsworth, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have some great moments: Frigga's funeral is one of the most beautiful scenes in the Infinity Saga. Thor and Loki's relationship is taken to another level. And Thor delivers one of his best speeches ever.

Toward the end of the film, after Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) is defeated, Odin (Anthony Hopkins) speaks to Thor from his throne. He asks Thor what Asgard can offer him for protecting the Nine Realms. His response is a golden Thor moment. "My life," he begins. "Father, I cannot be King of Asgard. I will protect Asgard and all the realms with my last and every breath, but I cannot do so from that chair. Loki, for all his grave imbalance, understood rule as I know I never will. The brutality, the sacrifice — it changes you. I'd rather be a good man than a great King." The last line hits especially hard and is true to Thor's core.

'I choose to run towards my problems and not away from them ... Because that's what heroes do'

Thor and Valkyrie don't get off to the best start in "Thor: Ragnarok." She captures him and delivers him to the Grandmaster, and she doesn't seem to care that he's also Asgardian. It takes Valkyrie some time to come around. She eventually joins the Revengers — but not before Thor gives a rousing speech in the Hulk's quarters on Sakaar.

After jabbing at Valkyrie for not taking ownership of her own life, Thor says, "I choose to run toward my problems and not away from them. Because that's what..." It's here that he throws a ball at a glass window only to have it bounce right back and hit him in the face. After standing back up, Thor finishes his thought, saying, "Because that's what heroes do." A perfectly inspirational moment is destroyed by Thor's shortsighted actions, delivering another laugh-out-loud moment in "Ragnarok."

'I'm only alive because fate wants me alive'

Thor, Rocket, and Groot become quite the trio in "Avengers: Infinity War." After being rescued from floating aimlessly in space by the Guardians, Thor takes their pod (with Rocket and Groot) to Nidavellir. On the way, Thor reveals a bit of his past and explains his determination to take down Thanos. When Rocket notes that Thor has already lost to Thanos once, he gives his new pal a speech about why the second time will be different.

"You know, I'm 1,500 years old," Thor tells Rocket. "I've killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one would have rather killed me. But none succeeded. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is the latest in a long line of bastards, and he will be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so." Fate certainly does want Thor alive because the team's success in "Avengers: Endgame" relied as much on him as the rest of the heroes.

'Let's kill him properly this time'

Thor really comes full circle in "Avengers: Endgame." He takes the fallout from "Avengers: Infinity War" especially hard and lands in a deep depression, but he comes out on top as the hero once again. His jokey nature carries over from "Thor: Ragnarok," mostly serving as a facade for his guilt, but he turns super-serious again just after Thanos makes his way to the future and attacks the Avengers Compound.

Once Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America meet up after the compound's collapse, they exchange a few words before taking on Thanos together. Thor has been staring down the Mad Titan the whole time and lets Cap and Iron Man know he hasn't done anything but sit down. When the trio comes to the realization that Thanos is leading them into a trap, Tony remarks that he "doesn't much care." Neither does Thor as he responds, "Good. Just as long we are all in agreement. Let's kill him properly this time." Since the initial killing of Thanos earlier in the film didn't have much of an effect on anything, Thor's "properly" comment holds a lot more weight. It also sets up one of the film's most badass moments in which Thor summons both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker to his hands as lightning cracks around him.

'I'm still worthy'

The light returns to Thor's eyes in one of the sweetest moments in "Avengers: Endgame." After Thor speaks to his mother, Rocket procures the Aether, but they must escape quickly because the castle guards are coming for them. Thor stops Rocket and tells him to wait. He then holds his arm out and closes his eyes. Rocket is confused by what's going on and looks at Frigga for some clarification. "Sometimes it takes a minute," she says with a smile.

Mjolnir eventually makes its way to Thor's hand, bringing the biggest smile to his face. "I'm still worthy," he says. We always knew he was, and it's sad to know Thor didn't have that same confidence in himself. It is an absolutely beautiful scene. It's also great to have Mjolnir back in the main timeline since it was destroyed by Hela (Cate Blanchett) in "Thor: Ragnarok." In the end, the Avengers might not have defeated Thanos without it. Yet, their victory is assured because the great Thor Odinson is worthy.

'You made me worthy'

The concept of worthiness has always been central to the MCU's Thor, as well as his comic book counterpart. The reason why Thor is Earth's protector, as opposed to the other gods who can't be bothered, is because of his ongoing quest for worthiness. Odin's magic ensures that only a sufficiently virtuous Thor can wield Mjolnir and all its power. For better or worse, Odin's emotional withholding as a father also ensures that Thor strives to be worthy of his father's love.

Thor struggles on both fronts, and for the better part of 2011's "Thor," he fails utterly. But in "Thor: Love and Thunder," the god makes it crystal clear what finally allows him to obtain everything he sought: Jane Foster. When Jane doubts her own worthiness to wield Mjolnir, Thor reassures her in as direct and powerful a way as possible, telling her flat out, "You made me worthy." According to Thor, not only is Jane worthy of being the new Thor, but she's also the reason the old one exists.

'This ends here and now!'

One of the many running jokes that wind their way throughout "Thor: Love and Thunder" is Jane Foster's acclimation to the superhero life — particularly her increasingly desperate attempts to mint a new catchphrase. Possibly inspired by Captain America and his by-then legendary utterance of "Avengers assemble," Jane spends her first adventures as the Mighty Thor trying to coin a snappy new battle cry. After "Let's bring the rainbow" and a series of attempts to force the word "hammer" into something punchy — including "Eat this hammer!" — Jane finally asks Thor what his catchphrase is.

The god gives Jane a quick demo of his choice, "This ends here and now," which indeed sounds impressive in his gravelly baritone, and it only gets better when Thor actually uses it in battle. From the overly dramatic but no less awe-inspiring deployment of "This ends here and now!" during Thor's battles with the Guardians of the Galaxy to the massive, passionate "This ends here and now!" yelled by Thor during his final fight with Gorr, the phrase gets more than its share of memorable uses in "Thor: Love and Thunder."

'I want to feel sh*tty about you'

By the time the events of "Thor: Love and Thunder" begin, the thunder god has suffered a truly inhuman amount of loss. Over the course of his many battles, Thor has lost his brother, sister, mother, father, eye, hammer, home planet, and four out of five best friends. It's understandable that anyone, whether human, god, alien, or anything else with feelings, would want to shut those feelings off. Luckily, Thor has the Guardians to act as his surrogate family. Star-Lord, in particular, gives the Asgardian some much-needed advice.

Putting his own spin on Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," Star-Lord tells Thor that's it's better to love something and then feel sh*tty about it than to just feel nothing. Thor takes the advice to heart and even uses it when he finally (re)confesses his feelings for Jane Foster. Stumbling over an already-crass phrase, Thor tells Jane, "I want to feel sh*tty about you." In response to her understandable confusion, the thunder god explains what he really meant — he doesn't care about the risks involved, all he wants is to be with the woman he loves.

'You flicked too hard, dammit!'

Among all of Thor's many iconic pieces of dialogue, one line in "Thor: Love and Thunder" has the dubious distinction of being by far the most memorable and at the same time, the most forgettable. That may sound impossible, but once you consider that the line is delivered while a naked, oiled, muscled Thor fills the screen, the paradox starts to make sense.

When Thor attempts to disguise himself in front of Zeus, the Greek god reacts by forcefully removing the garb with one powerful, magical flick of his fingers that includes him literally saying aloud, "and ... flick!" The flick doesn't just remove the simple toga operating as a dubious "disguise" — it throws off all of Thor's clothing, revealing what Taika Waititi refers to as "the full Hems' Worth." In response, Thor screams at Zeus, "You flicked too hard, dammit," which — completely depending on your level of captivation with the thunder god's bare physique — is either a memorable, funny line or just a bit of meaningless white noise that blows past deaf, distracted ears. Audience members would be forgiven for either response to the scene's dialogue because as hilarious as it is, the dialogue is not what caused the scene to blow up on social media.