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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Production Finally Has Some Good News For Fans

If you've kept up with the news surrounding the MCU's second "Black Panther" movie, then you know that the film has had its fair share of hang ups throughout its production. Following the tragic death of "Black Panther" star Chadwick Boseman due to cancer in 2020, British actress Leticia Wright, who plays T'Challa's younger sister Shuri in the films, has since picked up the mantle of Wakanda's resident monarch and hero. On top of that, Wright was subsequently injured on the set of "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" in August 2021, bringing the film's production to a screeching halt.

At the time of the accident, the BBC reported that Wright had only sustained minor injuries during a stunt scene, and was released from the hospital after a few short hours. This turned out to be false, however, as Wright's injuries were revealed to be much more severe. According to a more recent article from the BBC, the injuries Wright sustained turned out to be so serious that Disney had to  halt production on the sequel. 

Thankfully, the film's production finally has some good news for fans, as Wright has finally made progress on her recovery.

Now that Wright has recovered and production has resumed

While Wright was injured in August, production on the film wasn't stopped until November of that year. Contrary to initial assumptions, Wright had actually sustained both a shoulder fracture and a concussion that resulted in severe side effects. Now that the actress has made a recovery, however, the filmmakers have been free to resume production on "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever." And there was much rejoicing.

In other good news, it appears that this two-month-long hiatus has not affected the release schedule for the film. Several higher-ups at Marvel spoke to Deadline about Wright's issues in November, and revealed that they were working to complete as much of the film without Wright's presence as possible before the hiatus started. Evidently, their hard work paid off. 

Assuming there has not been an unannounced change of plans, MCU fans can expect to see "Wakanda Forever" hit theaters on November 11, 2022.