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The Storyline New Amsterdam Fans Agree Could Have Been Better

Since the NBC premiere of "New Amsterdam" in 2018, viewers have watched Dr. Max Goodwin fiercely work to break the status quo of the New Amsterdam Medical Center. Portrayed by Ryan Eggold, Max quickly begins making massive changes when he's hired as the new medical director. From firing the entire cardiac surgical department to downsizing the hospital's group of inexperienced residents, Max's policies are oftentimes seen as controversial. But at the heart of his actions, he has the wellness of New Amsterdam patients at the forefront of his mind.

With much difficulty, Max is forced to juggle his busy professional life and struggling personal life. Before her untimely death due to a brain bleed from an ambulance crash, Max's pregnant wife Georgia (Lisa O'Hare) felt neglected, as he dedicated more time to the hospital than to her. Max was unable to mend his marriage and must now raise his daughter, Luna, as a single father. Through all of this, "New Amsterdam" fans have followed along with Max's intense journey. However, there's one recent aspect of the show's storyline that they're not completely on board with.

Should Max have custody of Luna?

Many "New Amsterdam" viewers have strong opinions about the current storyline, which sees Georgia's parents, Gwen (Becky Ann Baker) and Calvin (Bill Irwin), fighting for custody of Luna; they believe Max is putting too much time into his work and neglecting his daughter as a result. In a Reddit thread, user soneg expressed their hatred of the storyline, stating their agreement with Gwen and Calvin. "Max is barely there, he does put the hospital first, he did run into a room with a deadly chemical inside with no thought to his daughter and what his death would do to her." They finished by expressing hope for real changes from Max in "New Amsterdam" Season 4.

A number of commenters in the thread were in agreement that Luna's grandparents should be granted custody. "Max treats New Amsterdam (and the healthcare system in general) like his baby. Which wouldn't necessarily be a problem if he didn't go on to treat the hospital as if it were his ONLY child too," said user MadMaxGoodwin.

Not all users were so quick to judge Max, believing he's working so hard at the hospital to provide for Luna, not because he doesn't care about her. "I am sick to death of the narrative/implication that single working parents should lose their child," said user Passion4life2. "Luna is fed, clothed and loved by her father." Others criticized Gwen and Calvin for jumping into a custody battle and not trying to help Max find a caregiver for Luna.