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The Hateful Eight Scene Kurt Russell Regrets Filming

Kurt Russell has had one of the most illustrious careers of any actor still working today. He got his start as a child actor, where he promptly became the face of many Disney projects. He's had prolific roles in every decade since he got his start from "The Thing" in the 1980s to "Tombstone" in the '90s. Even today, he continues cranking out one hit after the next, joining the most prominent franchises around with parts in "The Fast and the Furious" series as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Ego in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2."

It's a career of many highlights, but after all of those years in the industry, there are undoubtedly a few regrets, as well. After all, not every movie can be a massive hit. But regrets aren't limited to box office duds. Sometimes, getting too in the moment can have disastrous consequences, as Russell knows all too well from the set of "The Hateful Eight."

Kurt Russell regretted destroying an antique guitar

There's a moment in "The Hateful Eight" when John "The Hangman" Ruth (Russell) decides to mimic "Animal House." When Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) plays a tune on the guitar, John has just about enough. He takes it from her and promptly smashes it into a million pieces. Upon first watch, it'd be easy to assume it was a cheap replica that was meant to be destroyed. As it turns out, he wasn't supposed to destroy that particular guitar after all because it was a genuine piece from the 1860s that was worth in the neighborhood of $40,000 (via Business Insider).

Not only did Russell likely get on bad terms with the props department, but he also broke the heart of his co-star Jennifer Jason Leigh, who fell in love with the instrument over the course of filming. She would later state in an interview with Billboard, "I was heartbroken about the guitar, because I was quite in love with it. I got to actually take it home with me, and I played it every day. It had the most beautiful, warm tone." While the guitar may have been destroyed beyond recognition, "The Hateful Eight" director Quentin Tarantino made it up to her in grand fashion. As she put it, "Quentin gave me another Martin guitar from the 1880s as my wrap present, which was kind of extraordinary."

If there's a lesson to be learned in all this, it's to always do your due diligence before smashing something.