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Characters That Mean More Than You Realize In The Book Of Boba Fett

Considered one of the "Star Wars" universe's coolest characters since his debut in the late '70s/early '80s, Boba Fett has just always had the look, the swagger, and the weaponry. Unfortunately, his on-screen time has rarely felt commensurate with the bounty hunter's reputation. That is now changing, however, with "The Book of Boba Fett," as show creator Jon Favreau shines a spotlight on the man who captured Han Solo. Now, Fett's legion of fans just have to hope the show succeeds in telling a story worthy of its jetpack-clad antihero.

If "The Mandalorian" was a Western in the Star Wars milieu, "Fett" appears to be more of a crime caper for the galactic set. After crawling from the belly of a Sarlacc and surviving harrowing confrontations with local Jawas and Tusken Raiders, Fett (Temuera Morrison) has set his sights firmly on the late Jabba the Hutt's criminal empire. It's "Carlito's Way," in a galaxy far, far away.

As with "The Mandalorian," the likelihood of familiar faces popping up is high — even if many will only be familiar to diehard fans. Which is why it's important to keep track of the good, the bad, the evil and the just plain freaky. Below, a breakdown of the secondary characters surrounding Boba Fett, in an easy-to-track format that should help ensure we can judge this "Book" by more than its cover.

Fennec Shand

"Mandalorian" fans likely recognized Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) the moment she walked into frame. First appearing in "Mandalorian" Season 1, Shand proved a dangerous, adept bounty for the titular character Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal, Barry Lowin) as well as the late rookie bounty hunter Toro Calican (Jake Cannavale). Despite the duo eventually capturing Shand, Calican opted to shoot her and leave her for dead in the desert. If not for Boba Fett finding her, she surely would've expired in the sands of Tatooine.

Instead, she joined Fett, indebted to him, and the two eventually came across Din Djarin once more. This time, Shand worked with the Mandalorian to help him find Grogu. In exchange, Djarin returned his armor to Fett.

As "Star Wars" fans know, however, Shand's history goes far deeper than her live-action appearances. Her first mention in any "Star Wars" material comes in 2016 in the video game "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes." She'd also earned a few words in the Marvel Comics series "Bounty Hunters" in issue #8. The incarnation with the most Shand material, however, would be the animated series "Star Wars: The Bad Batch," in which she played a part in six different episodes — albeit parts of various sizes and levels of importance. With this her biggest turn yet, it seems inevitable that fans will continue to see her rise in importance.

Max Rebo

This blue, elephant-snouted musician first arrived in the Star Wars Universe in "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi." That appearance remains most people's touchstone for "Star Wars" piano man Rebo. However, it turns out he has a pretty extensive backstory and has appeared, in and out of continuity, in everything from picture books to video games to Simpsons-starring shorts. He, more often than not, appears in blink-and-you'll-miss-them cameos — and as such, little is know about him beyond the fact that he's kinda adorable. "The Book of Boba Fett," however, might be his time to shine.

According to the online source Wookiepedia, the type of music Rebo and his band plays is called Jizz (insert your own joke here). An Ortolan, Rebo has risen to prominence as one of the galaxy's most popular Jizz-wailer musicians, and leader of the Max Rebo Band. While not particularly criminal-minded himself, Rebo spent most of his life playing for various criminal types, most notably Jabba the Hutt. Rebo also had a brother Azool who worked for Jabba, but primarily as punishment for daring to steal without permission in the Hutt's territory.

The little we've seen of Rebo seems to indicate he has more loyalty than sense. When his brother stole, Rebo attempted to cover for him (and likely saved Azool's life). When Princess Leia freed herself from slavery by killing Jabba, Rebo continued to play for those still committed to the organization. While expecting much plot-related activity from the character in "Book" is probably a mistake, he could potentially surprise viewers with a scene — or at the very least, perhaps a jizzy, intergalactic cover of the "Axel F" theme

Black Krrsantan

Those who haven't cracked the spines on any Marvel Comics Star Wars books are unlikely to recognize this Wookie. That's because his appearance in "Book of Boba Fett" is his first foray into the live-action Star Wars universe. It's a shame it took so long, with such a pretty face.

As one might expect, Black Krrsantan (Santy to his friends) is not well-regarded in his homeworld of Kashyyyk. Given that lack of support, he fled in search of the Xonti Brothers, hoping for gladiator training. After training, he rapidly gained a reputation as a fierce combatant. From there, it was easy to establish himself as a go-to bounty hunter, ferocious and reliable. This background is why, when Boba Fett sees him, he says: "You can bring as many gladiators as you wish."

Over the years, he's been in the employ of such prominent Empire representatives as Darth Vader and Doctor Aphra and fought the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, the relationship most significant to "Book" is his time spent with the crimelord Jabba the Hutt. As seen in "Boba Fett" Episode 2, this history likely led to him working for the two Hutt twins that now threaten Fett's hold on Tatooine.

With any luck, eventually "Book" will let Santy see some action. Given his reputation, he might be able to give Fennec Shand a run for her money.

Camie Marstrap and Laze Loneozner

A couple (played by Mandy Kowalski and Skyler Bible) spotted in the equivalent of a Tatooine dive bar (which may very well be Tosche Station) seemingly just want a nice night out. Unfortunately, a local tough decides their appetizer (a bowl of what resembles chips) and the man's beverage look too tasty to not partake. Despite being outnumbered and not looking like the type to get in many bar throw-downs, the man stands up for himself, ignoring the woman's warnings. Thankfully, Boba Fett shows up before things go seriously awry.

This couple seems somewhat important, right? Why else would they get to be the central figures in this brief depiction of Tatooine's rough and tumble daily life? Well, it turns out they're not important. But they nearly were.

The character's names are Camie Marstrap and Laze "Fixer" Loneozner, and in the late '70s they were played by actors Koo Stark and Anthony Forrest in a scene from the original "Star Wars" (now known as "A New Hope") where they hung out with Biggs Darklighter and soon-to-be-hero Luke Skywalker at Tosche Station. As friends of Luke — Camie gave him the nickname Wormie — they similarly spent their days covered in sand and staring into space. George Lucas had to eventually cut the scene for pacing, but fan edits have brought it back in context for completists, and Camie and Laze even appeared in some (now non-canon) comic books. But until now, you'd have to be a real die-hard fan to recognize those names — even if they have been action figures.

The most impressive thing here might be how "The Book of Boba Fett" found two actors who look so similar to two others who were left on the cutting room floor nearly 50 years ago. In 1977, Camie and Laze seemed much more interested in losing their third wheel and heading off to make out — as we see them in "Boba Fett," it appears they haven't made it much further in life. But at least now, they've finally received their moment in the Tatooine sun(s).

Peli Motto

Engineer Peli Motto (Amy Sedaris) lives and works on Tatooine. She manages Hangar 3-5 at the Mos Eisley spaceport, where she keeps her head down, repairs starships, and tries to stay out of trouble. Unfortunately for Peli, trouble often comes to find her. Still, given that she became Grogu's preferred babysitter, perhaps that's not such a bad thing.

First appearing in "The Mandalorian" Episode 5, Peli hassled Din Djarin about making repairs to his ship, the Razor Crest, for free. However, despite her protests, she agreed to begin work before the Mandalorian even revealed that he had a job that would pay for the repairs. Later, the pair became good friends — with Motto frequently caring for the beloved "Baby Yoda."

In "Boba Fett" Episode 3, Motto makes a blink-and-you'll-miss-it stroll past the camera with her droids in tow. While it isn't a moment of particular consequence, it feels like a nod to the rich tapestry that is life on Tatooine. Everyone here, we are reminded, is living out their own unique story. 


Sometimes, people will describe someone unusual as having a screw loose or a head full of bad wiring. In the case of EV-9D9, that's very accurate. Sadly, it didn't make the droid just a bit off — it made her cruel and pitiless, which is how she went from a moisture vaporator mechanic to Jabba the Hutt's torturer droid of choice. Unlike many droids, EV-9D9 actively delighted in her work. She went as far as to get an additional receptor installed to better appreciate the pain of those she was dismembering. Despite the vastness of the universe, it didn't take long for her reputation for sadism to spread.

Viewers are most likely to recognize EV-9D9 from one of two appearances. The droid's introduction to the saga came in "Return of the Jedi." There she oversaw the conscription of R2-D2 and C3PO to Jabba's droid ranks. Thankfully, the beloved droids were rescued and Jabba slain before EV-9D9 could prove her hype was not without merit.

More recently, Din Djarin encountered her tending bar in "The Mandalorian." Her demeanor and position suggested a reprogramming that somehow addressed her sadism. Who knows what happened after hours, however.

She seems to be in a similar role when Boba Fett invades Hutt's palace in search of his gunship in "Book" Episode 4. A quick strike on the head left the droid out of commission, and viewers with little more information. Given the ability of droids to be rebuilt and reprogrammed, however, there's a good chance this won't be EV-9D9's last appearance.

The Armorer

A member of The Children of the Watch, the Armorer (Emily Swallow) practices a particularly orthodox interpretation of the Mandalorian religion, as she was raised. She survived the Empire's Great Purge of Mandalore, in large part because of her dedication to this group. The Children of the Watch were off-planet during the Empire's attack and therefore could evade the fate that eliminated so many of their cultural community.

The Armorer has done her best to maintain and share Mandalorian culture with other survivors following the massacre. In this capacity, she first encountered Din Djarin, helping to fix and improve his armor. In the fifth episode of "The Book of Boba Fett," she shared stories of past tradition with Djarin as she worked — and expressed an initial distrust of Grogu because of the historical animosity between their peoples. However, she recognized "The Child" as an individual in need of care, bestowing a signet that designates the duo as a clan of two.

Since she seems to be the de facto keeper of tradition — and someone Djarin respects deeply — it seems quite likely she'll turn up again, possibly after the bounty hunter has honored the ritual to purify his act of helmet removal.

Paz Vizsla

Paz Vizsla (voiced by Jon Favreau and performed by Tait Fletcher) disliked Din Djarin from the first time they met. Understandably angry with the Empire for destroying the Mandalorian home planet and slaughtering his people, Vizsla could not tolerate Djarin's choices. The bounty hunter's decision to work with former Empire members for Empire currency seemed unconscionable to Vizsla. Only The Armorer's well-timed intervention prevented a full-out brawl between Vizsla and Djarin.

However, dedication to his faith outweighed his personal distaste. When Djarin needed to flee from several bounty hunters seeking to steal Grogu, Vizsla joined with several other Mandalorians to ensure his disliked brother-in-arms could escape with his life.

In "Book" Episode 5, Djarin's visit to The Armorer and Vizsla renewed the rivalry, even if at first both greeted each other with appreciative words of brotherhood. 

But since Din Djarin carried the hallowed Darksaber, Vizsla was triggered to say the least. As a descendant of the Mandalorian Jedi for whom the blade was first forged, he felt entitled to the weapon. As is tradition, he challenged Djarin to a duel, the winner keeping the weapon. Vizsla lost the contest, something that seems certain to only increase his antipathy towards the bounty hunter.

New Republic Captain Carson Teva

When Din Djarin takes his new ship out for a trial run in "Boba Fett" Episode 5, he encounters two New Republic pilots. Acting like traffic cops on the edge of space, they find his attempts to hand over ID and registration profoundly lacking. However, just when it looks like Djarin might have to fight or risk arrest, one of the pilots, Captain Carson Teva (Paul Sun-Hyung Lee), lets the bounty hunter off the hook.

Eagle-eyed viewers might realize Teva's decision can be traced back to his appearances in "The Mandalorian" chapters 10 and 12. Teva pursued Djarin when he encountered the bounty hunter traveling without a beacon. Despite its age and condition, the Razor Crest managed to slip Teva and his partner. By the time they caught up, Teva had learned of Djarin's activities on Bothan-Five, including an attempt to save Lieutenant Lant Davan's life. Then, as in Episode 5, Teva opted to look the other way and allow the bounty hunter to go on his way.

Ahsoka Tano

Captain No Sentimentality is, as she alludes, a former Padawan learner who trained under Anakin Skywalker. Their relationship was initially rocky, but in time the two settled into a strong dynamic as Anakin began to call her Snips.

Tano's (Rosario Dawson) resistance to connection comes from more than just the usual Jedi warnings on the matter. While still in training, a friend and fellow Padawan betrayed Tano, forcing her to go underground to clear her name. During that time, the Jedi High Council excommunicated her. Once cleared of responsibility, the Council invited her back into the Jedi Order. However, she had become disillusioned with what she felt was the Council's willingness to so quickly cast her out.

Her perspective only hardened further when Anakin turned to the Dark Side and helped enact Order 66. While she helped create Rebel splinter cells throughout the galaxy, her days of creating bonds with those she served alongside were over.

The character made her live action debut in "The Mandalorian" Season 2, when Din Djarin approached her as a possible teacher for Grogu. She refused, but did put him on the path to Luke Skywalker.

Her vague response to Luke about what she plans to do next, her connection to a dangerous character on this list, and her own upcoming Disney+ series suggests that she may play a significant role in "Boba Fett" going forward.

Cobb Vanth

Fond of referring to himself as The Marshal, Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olyphant) is no stranger to Mandalorian armor. When Din Djarin first encountered him in "The Mandalorian" Season 2, Vanth wore Boba Fett's armor. He had liberated it from some Jawas who, we now know, had discovered it after Fett's escape from the Sarlacc.

Despite wearing Mandalorian armor while not being a Mandalorian, he and Djarin developed an alliance. They struck a deal that Djarin would aid Vanth in killing a Krayt Dragon that had been terrorizing his town. Vanth would give up the armor in exchange, which Djarin would then return to Fett. While their first attempt to kill the creature nearly cost the duo their lives, they were able to regroup and slay the beast. Vanth, good as his word, turned over the armor while admitting that Mos Pelgo (aka Freetown) was far more valuable to him.

As demonstrated in his appearance in "Boba Fett," Vanth is a quickdraw deadshot who nonetheless attempts to solve problems with diplomacy first. Unfortunately, that got him shot by the ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane, but there remains a possibility Vance will cheat death once again to help Din Djarin — and his employer, Boba Fett.

Cad Bane

This fearsome, blue-skinned, sharp-toothed bounty hunter is no stranger to fans of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." Cad Bane (Corey Burton, Dorian Kingi) gained a reputation there and in "The Bad Batch," "Rebels," and the Darth Maul comics series for being a ruthless killer. He certainly lived up to that reputation during his brief first live-action appearance in "Boba Fett."

Bane is a character with many connections to the players on this show. Like many, he worked for a time for Jabba the Hutt. He apprenticed under Jango Fett and taught Boba in a storyline planned but never told. He has had encounters with both Fennec Shand and Ahsoka Tano as well, events that endeared him to neither.

His actions in "Boba Fett" Episode 6 all but ensure an encounter with Fett. However, given his history and the characters that have appeared in the series, it is entirely likely that Shand, Tano, Din Djarin, and perhaps even Cobb Vanth will be having a word (and likely much more) with the Pike Syndicate's newest enforcer.