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Spider-Man Stories We'd Like To See In The MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen many changes in the last year, especially with the introduction of its Disney+ series. We've seen the MCU transition from the cosmic threat of Thanos and the Infinity Stones to the advent of a possible Marvel multiverse. One character affected by these recent creative transitions is Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, played most recently by Tom Holland. With the character given a hard reset via the events of "No Way Home," many have speculated about the wall crawler's future.

"Spider-Man" comics have been running since the early '60s and in the decades since have been home to some sensational stories. From battling devious villains on the streets of New York to facing his own demons, Peter's life has seen many intense developments. These are a few "Spider-Man" stories –- one-shots or multi-part events –- that would make excellent fodder for live-action adaptations. Given that these stories would follow the events of "No Way Home," be warned – there are spoilers ahead!

The Black Suit

The mid-credits scene in "No Way Home" showed Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock getting a summary of the MCU from a befuddled bartender. The scene is presented very comedically, with Eddie and Venom being flashed back to their universe just as quickly as they arrived. This might've been disappointing for anyone who was eager to see the Lethal Protector interact with Tom Holland's Peter Parker. However, this scene wasn't just thrown in for chuckles, as we see that Eddie inadvertently left a small bit of the Venom symbiote behind. This heavily implies that the Black Suit will play a role in a future Spider-Man film down the line — an enticing concept for fans who have been craving a true adaption of the Black Suit storyline for decades.

While "Spider-Man 3" has its fans, there is no denying that its symbiote wasn't wholly accurate to the original story. Considering the circumstances Peter was left in at the conclusion of "No Way Home," it's a great opportunity for the symbiote to prey on his darker thoughts. With the current incarnation of Spider-Man going in a darker direction, it's prime time to give the Black Suit storyline a second chance. 

Nothing can stop the Juggernaut

With the MCU's multiverse growing steadily by the day, it's only a matter of time before the Children of the Atom make their debut. Ever since Disney's acquisition of Fox Pictures, fans have been speculating when the "X-Men" will be joining the MCU. Whether that comes to fruition next year or far down the road, it still opens up many interesting story possibilities. One villainous mutant that would serve as a welcome addition to the MCU is Cain Marko, aka Juggernaut. Despite primarily being an "X-Men" character –- typically a part of the Brotherhood of Evil — Juggernaut has had run-ins with other heroes. One of these run-ins was with the Web-Head in the two-part 1982 story "Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!"

The story is fairly simple: Juggernaut attempts to kidnap Madame Web, a clairvoyant mutant who would guide Peter in his adventures. Peter tries again and again to defeat the Juggernaut, but to no avail as his strength is just too great. As a narrative, it's extremely streamlined, and it would fit into the modern MCU perfectly with only a few minor modifications. It's a classic David and Goliath story that shows that when his back is to the wall, Peter always manages to come out on top.

The Hobgoblin Saga

With the Green Goblin cured and stuck in another universe, it seems like Peter needs a new Goblin nemesis. With Oscorp being non-existent in the MCU, it would make sense to bring in one of Spider-Man's most intriguing villains –- the Hobgoblin. The character was originally conceived in the early '80s by writer Roger Stern and artist John Romita Jr. What sets the Hobgoblin apart from his Green predecessor is that — unlike Norman Osborn — the Hobgoblin was diabolical yet completely sane. As more of a careful chess master, he had a radically different aura compared to the long-tenured Spidey rogues gallery. After severe editorial meddling, the character went through various "true identities" before being confirmed to be billionaire fashion designer Roderick Kingsley. Additionally, at one point, the character Ned Leeds — a recurring character in the recent "Home" trilogy — is used as a red herring for the Hobgoblin's true identity.

Given Peter's recent encounter with the Green Goblin in "No Way Home," the Hobgoblin would open up some interesting story opportunities. Due to Dr. Strange's spell, Peter is completely on his own now, bereft of any support from S.H.I.E.L.D or Stark Industries. The threat of a villain whose intellect matches and even surpasses Peter's would serve as a major test for him. With Peter's life having been dealt a severe blow by one Goblin, it's certainly an appropriate time to reintroduce this classic foe.

The Superior Spider-Man

"The Superior Spider-Man" made one of the boldest moves with the hero ever seen in recent years, but it definitely paid off. In the 2012 storyline "Dying Wish," it was revealed that Otto Octavius had found a way to swap his mind with Peter's. Despite his best efforts, Peter would succumb to the ills of Otto's failing body, leading to his titular dying wish. That wish is for Otto –- now guilty over what a fiend he'd been -– to carry on his heroic legacy and keep New York safe. Following this significant moment, Otto makes a solemn vow to leave behind his former life and be a "Superior" Spider-Man.

Born from this development was the 31-issue run known as "The Superior Spider-Man," where we'd see Otto in action. From tangling with the likes of the Vulture to Spiderman 2099 to even becoming the Superior Venom, Otto definitely kept busy. By the end of his run as Spider-Man –- barring a few incidents -– Otto had matured into a kinder and responsible person. This concept would be largely contingent on the main MCU introducing their own version of Otto Octavius to face off with Peter. However, given the MCU's recent foray into more experimental narratives, it'd be intriguing to see them bring this story to life.

Goblin Nation

It's worth noting that the "Goblin Nation" storyline serves as the finale arc for the "Superior Spider-Man" series. That said, the narrative is still tailor-made for the MCU in terms of its scope and developments. The titular Goblin Nation is a group of criminals led by the Green Goblin, who would claim the title of "Goblin King." This led to confrontations with the Hobgoblin and Spider-Man — Otto and Peter, respectively — resulting in ample chaos and drama. By the end, Otto determines that Peter is the only one truly worthy of the Spider-Man legacy and restores full control to him. It all concludes with another epic encounter between the true Spider-Man and his arch-enemy for the soul of New York City.

If "No Way Home" showed us anything, it's that Peter was in desperate need of a truly sinister villain. That villain turned out to be the Green Goblin, who — ripped straight from the Sam Raimi films — helped to completely upend Peter's life. Given how much damage another universe's Goblin could cause, it's about time that the MCU introduced its own Norman Osborn. It's high-concept comic book weirdness, but with Marvel embracing that as of late, it'd be a perfect time to adapt "Goblin Nation."


"No Way Home" proved that Spider-Man films always continue to one-up themselves in terms of scale and grandeur. With that in mind, it would make sense to bring one of the most significant modern Spider-Man stories to life – "Spider-Island." In the never-ending cycle of Peter Parker's life always being turned upside down by unforeseen circumstances, he's hit with a doozy! Out of the blue, hundreds of New Yorkers – including Peter's then-girlfriend Carlie — have developed spider-powers seemingly overnight. Now, Peter must find a way to save New York City, all while keeping his personal life from imploding.

What makes "Spider-Island" so viable for adaptation are its various crossovers with the rest of the extended Marvel Comics universe. In the opening pages of the story, we see Peter refining his combat techniques with none other than Shang Chi. Additionally, the likes of the Avengers, Venom, Anti-Venom, and the returning Jackal all make their presence felt throughout the story. As Spider-Man stories go, you can't go much bigger, making it a perfect story for the next phase of his cinematic journey.

The Gauntlet

Peter's recent tangle with the barrage of classic Spidey villains in "No Way Home" definitely put him through the wringer both emotionally and physically. If and when the current incarnation of Peter develops a more significant rogue's gallery, "The Gauntlet" would be an excellent choice for a cinematic adaptation. At its core, "The Gauntlet" isn't really a multi-part event — it's a series of individual stories all housed together under a unified theme. All of Spider-Man's classic foes all return in quick succession to, as per usual, make life hell for Peter Parker. This includes Sandman, Electro, Chameleon, Mysterio, Rhino, and several others, all out for revenge on the Wall-Crawler for stopping their past plans.

The story bears a definite similarity to "Batman: Knightfall," when all of the Dark Knight's sinister foes escape from Arkham. Much like the Caped Crusader, these back-to-back battles with his rogue's gallery take a significant toll on Peter's life. "Spider-Man" stories tend to be strongest when they showcase Peter dealing with strenuous circumstances but still managing to pull through. Even if it's brand new villains, the notion of Peter having to survive several threats on his own is an enticing one.


"Shed" served as the finale for the previously mentioned 2010s storyline "The Gauntlet" and definitely stands out as a gem within that narrative. Curt Connors, aka the Lizard, has received the short end of the stick in terms of his cinematic appearances. Connors, despite appearing in the Sam Raimi films (played by Dylan Baker), never got to become a full-fledged antagonist, as intended by Raimi. Also, despite being the first major villain of "The Amazing Spider-Man" series, his role was significantly truncated and altered in editing. Even his recent appearance in "No Way Home" was limited by Rhys Ifans being unable to physically appear on the screen.

The Lizard is overdue for a truly memorable cinematic appearance, and the "Shed" storyline would provide the perfect basis for one. The story was a four-issue run released in 2010 and showed just how monstrous the Lizard could be. After Dr. Curt Connors' life falls apart around him, he's no longer able to suppress his other half's carnivorous urges. This leads to him not only committing some of his most heinous crimes but also fully transforming into a more inhuman form. It's simultaneously a horror story and a Spider-Man story, with enough shocking and resonant moments for a big-budget adaptation.

The Clone Saga

Whether you regard it as a good story that went off the rails or as a flawed idea from its inception, there is no denying the impact of "The Clone Saga." What was originally intended to be an intriguing one-shot story eventually became an eclectic mess of garbled continuity and half-cooked ideas. At its core, the story revolved around Peter Parker and Ben Reilly, the latter originally believed to be Peter's clone. Along the way, however, it was revealed that it was the opposite — Peter was the clone, and Ben was the original. This was written to give Peter the chance to have a happy ending and allow Ben to carry on his legacy. However, due to fan response and editorial mandates, this was walked back, and Peter was reconfirmed as the original Spidey.

The storyline is chock full of interesting ideas and powerhouse moments but is ultimately undone by its very inconsistent writing. The MCU has been very good at stripping concepts to their barebones, allowing them to exist free of excessive continuity. "The Clone Saga," if refined properly, could make for an engaging series of movies and provide Peter with more development.

The kid who collects Spider-Man

Due to Dr. Strange's spell at the conclusion of "No Way Home," the current MCU Spider-Man is no longer persona non grata. This means that Spider-Man is no longer perceived as public enemy number one and is once again a beloved hero. One aspect of Peter's day-to-day life that Jon Watts' trilogy hasn't touched on enough is how Spider-Man is perceived publicly. Aside from the public backlash against him in "No Way Home," we've yet to see much of it elsewhere in his appearances.

One story that could be used to effectively illustrate this is "The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man" from 1984. Penned by Roger Stern, the story features a young boy named Tim Harrison, who is a devout Spider-Man fanboy. Amidst an issue-long battle with the villain Thunderball, Peter takes the time to visit Tim face-to-face. He talks to the child and is impressed by his encyclopedic knowledge of his heroic exploits. Eventually, he puts a cherry on this sundae of a visit by revealing his identity to Tim and even tells him his origin story. It's a beautiful moment made bittersweet with the reveal that Tim is actually in the hospital with only weeks to live. With the recent hardships faced by MCU Peter, it would be refreshing to see him bond with someone who appreciates his heroism.

The death of Jean DeWolff

Jean DeWolff, a police officer, was a supporting character in the "Spider-Man" titles released in the '70s and '80s. She was always portrayed as a tough, no-nonsense cop with an admiration for Spider-Man — one of his few supporters among the NYPD. While not a prominent character, she appeared quite frequently, and her presence was always a welcome one, making her death all the more shocking. In the '80s storyline "The Death of Jean DeWolff," she met her end at the hands of a serial killer known as the Sin-Eater. With Peter's recent adventures being extremely high concept, a smaller and grittier story would be an interesting change of pace.

Aside from its darker tone, what makes the story additionally noteworthy is its inclusion of Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil. With Daredevil's recent cinematic re-debut, a cinematic team-up between him and Spidey is definitely on the table. It would be an indescribable joy to see Tom Holland and Charlie Cox interact more after their brief scene in "No Way Home."


Before the MCU was dabbling with the notion of a multiverse, Sony Animation was turning heads with "Into the Spider-Verse." The 2018 animated hit turned heads with its unique animation style, top-tier voice acting, and it's brilliantly crafted narrative. Miles Morales had been a major presence in the comics — predominantly the Ultimate universe –- but this film is what propelled him into mainstream notoriety. Combined with his presence in Insomniac Games' "Spider-Man" titles, Miles is now just as significant as Peter in terms of fan support. With his star burning ever brighter, many fans have been clamoring for a version of Miles to join the MCU.

The comics already have the perfect basis for a crossover on the table with the 2012 miniseries "Spider-Men." The story sees the main universe Peter Parker get zapped into the Ultimate universe, where he encounters its resident Spider-Man, Miles Morales. His appearance in this universe came as a shock for many, as their Peter Parker had recently been killed off. Bolstered by stellar artwork and legitimate pathos, the storyline is a wonderful crossover between the two Spider-Men. With the multiverse now fully established in the MCU and more on the way, it's the perfect time for a cinematic adaptation.