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Spider-Man: No Way Home Confirms What Comics Fans Suspected All Along

Contains spoilers for "Spider-Man: No Way Home"

It's hard to overstate just how much the third Marvel Cinematic Universe "Spider-Man" movie disrupts Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) status quo. Before "Spider-Man: No Way Home," the young hero was a well-adjusted individual, an integral part of the Avengers. and the heir apparent to Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) legacy. He'd even built a supportive network of friends, family, and loved ones. However, after two and a half hours of identity issues, magic, and multiverse mayhem, he's alone, unknown, and entirely reliant on his own crime-fighting know-how. 

By the end of the movie, Spider-Man's essentially brought back to his comparatively low-key roots, and the fact that "No Way Home" stealthily introduces fellow street-level hero Matt "Daredevil" Murdock (Charlie Cox) on the MCU big screen only adds to the impression that the movie was a massive emotional (and sometimes literal) fireworks display that ended with a very comics-accurate, street-level Spider-Man. By doing this, "Spider-Man: No Way Home" pretty much confirms what some comic fans no doubt suspected all along. 

Spider-Man: No Way Home uses elements of a controversial comic book storyline

As Xoop has told you before, Kevin Feige teased way back in 2019 that "Spider-Man: No Way Home" will tell a story that's "never been done before on film," and the Spider-Man story that the mid-credits scene of "Spider-Man: Far from Home" made seem reasonably likely was "One More Day," which reboots Peter Parker's relationship status and makes his then-public superhero identity secret again. This exact thing happens in the end of "No Way Home," which tears Peter away from Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) high-tech gadgets — as well as virtually all his loved ones — and essentially soft reboots MCU Spidey into the classic, spandex-wearing Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man from the pages of the comic books.  

Of course, multiple changes were made to the actual story, since "One More Day" isn't what you'd call the most beloved "Spider-Man" story (per USA Today), and many of its trappings wouldn't work within the MCU's context in any case. Nevertheless, fans have been ready for the "One More Day" elements in the story — and they're very impressed with the way "No Way Home" manages to take the story's overall concept and squeeze it into an absolute diamond. 

"Spider-man: No Way Home is basically "One More Day" but actually feels like a genuine Spider-man story," @Dragonthewriter tweeted. "I'm still shocked that they managed to take arguably the absolutely worst Spider-Man storyline in the comics and turn it into arguably the best live action Spidey story we could ask for. One More Day sucks so bad, and No Way Home gets why it does and makes it actually work," @pj_campbell agreed. 

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" is now in theaters.